Example sentences of "[adv] went over [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Jessamy shakily got to her feet , took a couple of very deep breaths , then stubbornly went over to the door .
2 So , as the other person already occupied part of the left hand bench , he quite naturally went over to the right hand bench and promptly sat down .
3 Soon other signs of unwillingness to fight appeared : the Earl of Norfolk , the king 's half-brother , who had been placed in charge of the defence of East Anglia , defected to the queen , and Henry of Lancaster , Earl Thomas 's brother and heir , who had been ordered to raise troops in the midlands , also went over to Isabella .
4 Annie nodded and automatically went over to the sink to check that everything was done .
5 then went over to [ the wpc ] again .
6 So we split up towards the end of the season and I then went over to the States .
7 For despite empty houses on its provincial tour , this wordy , intelligent , seemingly uncommercial verse drama was a success in London , ran for a year and then went over to Broadway .
8 I let him cry for a bit and then went over to him and squatted down beside him and put my hand over his shoulders .
9 Siegfried took a long shuddering breath then went over to the bread tin , extracted a loaf and began to saw at it .
10 Her daughter wiped her clean , and then went over to the little table and turned on the portable television .
11 The towelling prepared , she made a neat pile of it , and then went over to the large bed , on which four or five persons normally slept .
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