Example sentences of "[adv] really [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 He works in Lipton 's , near to our shop , but I only really met him when he came in to order baby clothes . ’
2 I am certainly going to miss him , I have only really known him for the past seven days , but it seems like years .
3 Then Kraal remembered that when Creggan had asked him about where he came from all he had said was ‘ the South ’ and not really told him any more .
4 Floy was suspicious and Caspar did not really blame him for that .
5 He is put down by Gloucester for being illegitimate and ignored so one can not really blame him for seeking revenge against the wrong done to him and for his bitter character .
6 His present celebrity is a fairly recent phenomenon , and he insists that it has not really affected him , although he acknowledges that his appearances on television shows and in magazine profiles have somewhat robbed him of the anonymity which still clings to his ‘ invisible ’ friend , Cartier-Bresson .
7 But it had not really exposed him to the form of politics that he was about to encounter again in France — parliamentary politics .
8 HIS great courage and imperturbable COOLNESS in the face of what must at times have seemed to him to be insuperable odds WAS , I must confess — although I do not really like him — quite UNBELIEVABLE .
9 But nothing and no one could ever really convince him that a world where fathers just disappeared one day and never returned could be anything other than a pitiful sham , a transparent hoax .
10 The buildings of the area also really interested him and those small grey stone houses nestling into the clefts and valleys have never been shown so naturally .
11 She did n't really want him , of course but she simply had to prove to herself that he would prefer her to Sally , given the choice .
12 The farmer did n't actually refuse to take Mister Johnny but he made it clear he did n't really want him .
13 She did n't really want him to recreate the past like that .
14 I 'm another who does n't really want him here … anyway , Wilko would NEVER have anyone that ‘ round ’ playing for the club ! !
15 She did n't really want him to touch her …
16 I know I 'd had to smash the door , he had to smash the door open with a spade , the lock for me , cos , he , he , he could n't get , he tried er taking that panel out at the bottom and he could n't get it out and I did n't really want him to smash the double glazed glass , in fact it , that would of been very difficult
17 Do n't really want him to go .
18 His young girls did n't really give him erections .
19 She had n't really given him time to explain , just looked at that horrible creature prancing about in the hall all sexed up , and assumed the worst .
20 He looked like a film star — the picture does n't really do him justice .
21 He had n't really believed him but he 'd dug all the same and his Dad had been angry .
22 She had n't really believed him , but so much of her new life had still to make sense to her that she had not challenged his statement .
23 They ca n't really expect him to have a physical game this afternoon can they with David Speedy ?
24 You di you did n't really expect him er the way they did it , it was n't like well you did n't believe he was an angel did you ?
25 She will look elegant in black , and she 'll cry delicately so as not to mar the whiteness of her skin , and dab her nose with a lace-edged handkerchief , and wear Mother 's jet brooch , and all the customers will sigh and say how sad it is , and young men will want to comfort and console her , and they will , oh yes , because she did n't really love him .
26 " She did n't really love him , " Sarah shouted aloud in the empty house , and blushed as if there were a part of Enid lurking somewhere that could overhear her .
27 ‘ You would n't really marry him , would you ?
28 And you ca n't really avoid him .
29 Could n't really offer him one .
30 I could n't really blame him , as most horses are suspicious of water at first , especially when they ca n't tell how deep it is .
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