Example sentences of "[adv] really [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 The possibility of attracting outside investment only really exists for a corporate entity and this is likely to be a further reason for surveyors ' considering various comparisons between the partnership and corporate structure for the running of their businesses .
2 A relaxed , informal atmosphere prevails , with energy only really needed for a walk to the beach — 500 yards away down 300 steps .
3 The dining room , with its pale marbled walls and black and glass furniture , has survived from its first overhaul as it is only really used for entertaining and for Ella 's piano practice .
4 They hijack Englishness and do not really speak for most English people .
5 She was not really looking for an answer .
6 er not really looking for a revolution , just looking back to where you were before
7 They were in neither half of the house , but in a space that did not really exist for Maggie , who never asked herself which half the house was whose , since the whole house was , for her , theirs .
8 At one extreme , there are species that live in the sea and never move , such as bivalve molluscs , and others that do move , such as starfish , in which the sexes do not really associate for breeding at all .
9 However , this was an exceptional attitude as there was widespread scepticism of radio as a teaching medium and its possibilities did not really materialise for at least another decade .
10 Not really built for childbearing — and , after all , a modern feminist , a career-woman , had no place in her life for the bother of children .
11 Present them with a vision of a world in which meals were eaten at a table instead of on the knees before the flickering screen ; in which conversation was commonplace ; political and social ideas worked out by individuals , not spoon-fed into the mind by paid commentators ; a TV-less world in which we danced and sang and played charades to entertain ourselves or even popped round to the neighbours ; in which our children were not fed visions of death and dead bodies on the daily news , their infant imaginations no longer turned feverish and fearful by the sobs and sorrows of the bereaved ; nor subject to the cruel , disagreeable and frequently morbid fictional fantasies of others — would we not really vote for this ?
12 Well , I think he was good player — but playing in that Liverpool side was nt difficult , and he s not really played for any other side so its hard to tell exactly how good he is .
13 To return to crack propagation in brittle solids , it does not really matter for our present purposes whether fracture is initiated by a dynamic blow or by a static load .
14 It does not really matter for our purposes what the variable is .
15 With and Malcolm not really firing for Derbyshire , I should n't think Lawrence would be a virtual certainty for the winter team .
16 He was a pioneer at one time , but he 's not really pushing for anything right now — just kind of playing the blues .
17 " I 'm not really dressed for it . "
18 The smoke is probably unburnt fuel If the carb is a little bit worn it will do this The Solex carb is more prone to this than the later Zenith It may also be slight oil burning which is also very common as the engine starts and only happens for a few seconds This is a ‘ feature ’ of Land Rovers and is not really cause for concern
19 This particular film has quite a strong political statement to make , which is something that I 'm not really known for .
20 They 're not really used for serious cooking but are OK for making a hot drink en route .
21 There was mention of some art history work , a few articles for various journals and a cataloguing job for one of the museums but it was clear that for Maidstone these were of little importance and did not really qualify for the title of job .
22 Until now , the museum has exhibited only 900 of the 32,000 works it actually owns , though 17,000 of these are drawings , videos and photographs which do not really qualify for permanent showing .
23 This is not really suited for binocular observation , but it is one of the few Mira variables easily found with binoculars when near maximum .
24 On the debit side it must be said that Ventura is not really suited for use on documents where the styles and formats change from page to page ; newsletters and magazines , for example .
25 The first hint that things were not really changing for the better came in 1945 when , according to Damiani , two Palestinian Jews paid a visit to his father .
26 He could not really account for what he did , moving from duty to duty like a sleep walker , so buoyed up he did n't even bother to study the stars that night , in spite of the sky being cloud free .
27 ‘ I ca n't really speak for her , but I would imagine she 's enjoying it . ’
28 ‘ I ca n't really grieve for my grandma .
29 And I mean he took a lot of rehousing cos he come from a a a family that had n't really cared for him .
30 Germany as a country has n't really existed for very long , has it ?
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