Example sentences of "[adv] so that they " in BNC.

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1 Following the sale of the cargo and the payment of the net proceeds , U.S.$2,353,991.95 , into court , nothing further was done in the action until 16 January 1992 when Crossman Block issued a summons as ‘ solicitors for the Republic of Somalia ’ applying that the Republic of Somalia be joined as a party to the action , that the buyers of the cargo be also joined , presumably so that they could be bound by any decision of the court , and that
2 we go on hoping and fighting and imagining , despite whatever goes wrong with anybody but the Tory Party is diverting itself with internal feuds and in focusing attention on whether Mr Major will remain Prime Minister or not and this is presumably so that they may ignore the real issues of how to the get the country onto some shared basis of consensus , trust and pragmatic politics which would give our society a chance of facing up to questions of economics , politics , pollution and living together in community in the sort of world we 've actually got .
3 Willie , meanwhile , not only remained silent during these conversations , but picked his berries slowly so that they might forget that he was there , but he reckoned without Zach .
4 Wordy and intellectual , with only a small chance of success : the sort of play a cynic would say that producers put on so that they can feel good .
5 A physiotherapist stated , for instance : ‘ What we want to develop in them is the motivation to try and tackle society , take it head on so that they can actually say I want to go and do this , I want to go and do something else . ’
6 Yet they are using blackmail on miners to vote to close pits earlier than they year that had been decided on so that they can close the pit down and they have cut the redundancy payments for miners .
7 They were vertebrates that learned to live out of water paradoxically so that they could also continue to live in water .
8 So much so that they are seen as ‘ natural . ’
9 During the 1980s these quasi-government agencies became a convenient means of off-balance-sheet financing ; so much so that they have now amassed nearly $1 trillion-worth of obligations underwritten by the American taxpayer .
10 Her parents remained adamant , so much so that they consulted Granny Patin concerning the wording on their daughter 's tombstone .
11 So much so that they are convinced that very many of the problems that they deal with are unemployment related .
12 Healthy children have lots of energy as a rule , so much so that they can wear out their poor unhealthy parents !
13 Consequently , the man in the Kaduna street who watches an NTV report , hears the same story over the state radio and then reads about it in three or four daily papers receives several interpretations of the same event which are very different from one another — so much so that they may appear to be reports of separate events .
14 The better nurserymen pride themselves on their packing , so much so that they often advise you to leave the plants in the packing when planting is delayed , and to lay them up in a cool garage or shed .
15 The newspaper became embarrassed ; so much so that they ran a follow-up feature called ‘ Lest We Forget ’ .
16 Those values and that conception of society have permeated the American consciousness , so much so that they have largely gone unstated .
17 So much so that they would rather live in a UK which seems set to have permanent Tory government than an independent Scotland which would almost certainly be Socialist .
18 They had woken the Trees only so that they could ask for their help , of course .
19 When the Prime Minister came to speak we had quietened it down so that they were ready to listen .
20 A fresh squall tore the rainwater off the road surface , cascading it down so that they were riding in the inside of a waterfall as Trent powered onward in the lee of the embankment .
21 He had a beautiful dream of riding Bones like you saw people on the television , leaping great fences , seen from low down so that they looked about ten feet high .
22 During digestion , enzymes then break these nutrients down so that they can be absorbed through the walls of the digestive tract and enter the bloodstream .
23 Very often , parents can be helped by a clear description of the child 's abilities and the areas of relative weakness , especially if this is written down so that they can take it away and read it at their leisure .
24 May I ask a question on the this er , the speaker said er erm that it will be down so that they on er er or no particular help on his accordance but o on these here , o on the ones this is n't the case .
25 Our home 's eight coconut support-trunks were planted upside down so that they continue , even in death , to draw moisture from the roof thatch down into the ground , where it belongs .
26 erm supporting it , I mean they are just putting their name down so that they can stay out of trouble .
27 Of course got to cook so , depending on it will be about five o'clock so that they can get washed up .
28 Trailers are usually safer if they are parked close together so that they protect each other .
29 ( 4 ) Lattice grid : This is a direct grid that has upper and lower members comparatively close together so that they can be braced to form a series of girders prior to erection .
30 The function which modern philosophy seized upon as expressing the vital essence of Mind was that of bringing things together so that they have a bearing upon one another .
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