Example sentences of "[adv] what [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In many cases they already lay down what colour the shirt must be .
2 So what chance a Mohican winning at Wimbledon this year ?
3 So what chance a local winner ?
4 So what price the ton ?
5 hard copy status ; that is whether a hard copy of the module version has been requested and if so what stage the hard copy process has reached
6 As it stands , the process favours the chairman , but some would say the twenty-six member council knows best what art the taxpayers need .
7 It was never really clear , in any practical sense , just what burden the white man was supposed to take up .
8 Just what strategy the ministerial group will devise is uncertain as yet .
9 Er , now the the point I really want to refer to is erm just what role an auditor ought to play er in the er insurance and financial service industry in looking at particular firms , erm I have several interests which the honourable member for Edinburgh central knows about , er the one that I think is relevant er to tonight is that I am an elected member of the insurance brokers registration council and the way that erm the way that we regulate insurance brokers erm is laid down by statute but it does actually demonstrate the advantage , the benefit of erm of having a statutory requirement for audit and for er a proper oversight of what then follows in terms of the way that the regulator reacts to what the auditor may say .
10 The most crucial factor to have emerged from the recent research into language learning is not what language the learners are exposed to but what the learner does with the language .
11 We need to know exactly what damage a product is doing to the environment — from the mining of its raw materials to the end of its life .
12 Exactly what role the banks play in monitoring management is hard to pin down .
13 the interviewer knows exactly what role the candidate will have to fulfil ;
14 Exactly what effect the nerves have on these organs is as yet unknown .
15 Various formulations of in exactly what respect the statements should be clear are to be found in the Speech .
16 It is not possible to foresee , especially at the time of acquisition , exactly what information a specimen might hold .
17 4.2.3 [ bat are the financial implications for the dementia sufferer and the carer ? ( see also section on Personal Finance ) Any action plan arrived at should take into account not only the housing situation but also what effect the plan may have on the dementia sufferer .
18 It is still difficult to assess accurately what effect the Roman Conquest and the subsequent period of Roman occupation had on the development of the landscape .
19 some of you are a lot younger than me of course , it could be a lot smaller , but er er showing this to teenagers , if you work out what age a teenager will be in the year twenty forty , they 'll be about er in their mid sixties so this period of time , basically , is the time over which our present er generation of schoolchildren will have their adult life .
20 In a Mendelian experiment on pea size we can find out what genotype an individual has , whether it is AA , Aa , or aa .
21 The Court of Appeal said that the court must look at the wording and surrounding circumstances to find out what interest the clause was intended to protect .
22 Find out what time the buses pass .
23 Chilled PX Budweiser was drunk in preference to the local Adnams bitter , best mince was called ‘ ground beef ’ and the East Anglian Daily Times was only bought to find out what time the Bears were playing the Steelers on Channel 4 .
24 What , what time erm although I 've been to San Franciso , I 've never worked out what time the evening news is there .
25 Look at the question in Figure 2A ; you are asked to work out the transfer price , but first you must work out what volume the group should operate at .
26 You can find out what group an animal belongs to by using the chart on p. 40–41 .
27 I spent some hours in a newspaper office getting nothing , not even any change , out of an understrapper who had learnt his English in Enfield , and wondering less and less intermittently what time the public parks shut .
28 Oh I do n't know really what time the really started .
29 And Herod , when he had privily called the wise men , enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared .
30 In it she declared how glad she was to think : ‘ … that the letter written by me to the King of Prussia at a critical moment had been of some use ’ , though quite what effect the letter may have had is unfortunately not spelt out .
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