Example sentences of "[adv] there [is] so " in BNC.

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1 The first stage featured the injection of turpentine and vermillion ‘ … to fill the Arteries and Veins and even go further to produce extravasation to every part of the Body , i.e. til the face and all the flesh swell which will be a proof of extravasation and the more there is so much the better ’ .
2 Clearly there is so much ground to be covered , particularly on the engineering and operational sides , when a large transport aircraft is involved that you will need several investigators working at the same time .
3 Presumably there 's so many songs in your repertoire that you you 've no need really to get a new one er you as artists might want to get a new one but you 've got so many er evergreens I mean you could go on for ever with just the evergreens could n't you ?
4 The thing is though there 's so many people who are sending postcards wo n't send her one .
5 Now there is so much variety . ’
6 A week ago I did n't know what to learn and now there 's so many things that I know I want to learn .
7 Well there 's so many different and wonderful ways of being brave , are n't there , my dear ?
8 Well there 's so many things to go wrong int there ?
9 Well there 's so many things that get into carrots are n't there ?
10 well there 's so many areas in the world where they get lots and lots of er
11 Well there 's so many different bits to it is n't there ?
12 Well there 's so many of 'em about really
13 And of course nowadays there 's so much er things that er we use , there are so much labour saving things now that which makes a big difference .
14 See nowadays there 's so much more in the way of erm labour saving devices .
15 Well there is n't actually regrettably there is so much personal debt within the City , and the problem is rising to such an extent that all the bodies that provide money advice , including for example the Citizens ' Advice Bureau , which we also fund , are overwhelmed by the numbers of people coming to them .
16 But here there 's so much of everything .
17 Maybe there 's so much more pressure and stress because of the big money stakes they are playing for . ’
18 Cos you go over there there 's so many coming this way .
19 I 'd rather drive at this time of the year than in summer when there 's so much tourist traffic . ’
20 But he would be shocked and saddened by how utterly selfish most of us so-called Christians are at Christmas when there is so much hunger and grief in the world .
21 Father God , We pray for those who are sick or sad , especially at this holiday period when there is so much stress on celebration and jubilation .
22 I mean , cos I say , I got ta go go round Lesley 's but there again there 's so much on the go again .
23 It 's one reason why there is so much apathy in America where campaigns seem never-ending .
24 The question arises as to why there is so little official action to combat soil erosion .
25 If I could understand why they accept such cruelty , I could understand why there is so much violence here .
26 In his poetry , Wordsworth uses the language of faith years before his ‘ prose mind ’ can accept Christian doctrine ; this is why his ‘ conversion ’ is impossible to date , and why there is so much divergence between the poetic and prose statements he may make at any stage in his progress .
27 I wonder why there is so much crime or is it the world we live in which makes people so greedy ?
28 The reason why there is so little progress is horribly tangled up in the overall failure of Italy 's public life , a failure which is arousing mounting concern among her EC partners .
29 Perhaps that is why there is so much voluntary help given to local hospitals .
30 That is why there is so much stress in Luke 's account of the life of Jesus that his deeds and words were at the inspiration of the Spirit ( Luke 4:1,14 ; 10:21 ; 23:46 , etc . ) .
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