Example sentences of "[adv] an [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In practice they are those cases in which the plaintiff seeks to enforce or protect some right vested in him ( eg , an injunction to restrain a breach of contract ) rather than those where he merely invites the court to exercise its powers to grant him some statutory relief ( eg an application by a debtor for a " time order " under Consumer Credit Act 1974 , s 129(1) ( b ) ) .
2 Proceedings begun in this way include summary proceedings for the recovery of land ( subject to the special rules in Ord 24 , rr 1 – 7 ) and those which , in the High Court , would ordinarily be commenced by originating summons , eg an application by a business tenant for a new tenancy under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 ( Ord 43 , r 2 ) .
3 Commencement may be also by appeal from the order , decision or award of some other person , body or tribunal eg an appeal against a housing authority 's overcrowding notice under the Housing Act 1985 , s 362 .
4 America , hitherto an exporter of metals , began to import half of those it needed .
5 The Financial Times of March 1 reported that Gorbachev had appointed as his economic adviser Oleg Ozherelev , hitherto an official of the central committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ( CPSU ) and formerly dean of the economics faculty at Leningrad University .
6 It was furthermore an exercise in gaining experience in measurements with grass samples , to assist in spotting unforeseen problems .
7 There is furthermore an atmosphere of harshness and unrest about them that makes one realize how much closer to the spirit of Cézanne Braque 's contemporary work is .
8 A firefighting course at HMS Phoenix , Fareham was quite a terrifying experience — literally an ordeal by fire .
9 Better an increase of virtue than ‘ their abounding in human literature ’ .
10 Better an ounce of prevention than a pound of cure !
11 He stopped short as the two women stared up at him , and suddenly an expression of relief washed the tension from his strongly chiselled features .
12 Suddenly an army of civil servants were to surrender substantial proportions of their remuneration and were forced to seek , at no little expense , dispensations from — and at the discretion of — the pope , not a prospect which they would welcome .
13 This story is apparently an invention of foreigners , and does not appear in the Arab texts .
14 There was then apparently an offer of pardon to others who submitted willingly to the royal authority without delay .
15 There was apparently an agreement between Pickard and Wasbrough allowing the latter to use the crank , and the engine-builder who was most incensed at the patenting of a device which he maintained had been known for centuries was James Watt [ q.v . ] .
16 The vestry itself was so familiar from childhood memories that Dalgliesh could have taken one quick glance , shut his eyes and spoken aloud an inventory of high church piety : the packets of incense on top of the cupboard ; the incense holder and censer ; the crucifix and , behind the faded red serge curtain , the lace-trimmed vestments and the short starched surplices of the choir .
17 But the bulk of it was done by way of the tutorial , a weekly session in which the pupil read aloud an essay of some three thousand words to his tutor and they then discussed it .
18 However long an observer outside the radius r waits he will never receive any light emitted from a source inside the radius rO .
19 The selection of eighty-one canvases and other works of art has been made by Nicholas Serota , director of the Tate Gallery and long an admirer of Ryman 's work , which he showed at the Whitechapel Art Gallery in 1977 , and Robert Storr , Curator in the Department of Painting and Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art , New York .
20 But the last thing she had expected was that John would take advantage of it , especially after so long an absence from her , and even more especially after the crisis they had endured and survived together these months past .
21 Reduction of waiting lists is not necessarily an indicator of improved ‘ quality ’ of care for elderly people , whose needs may go beyond a brief period of surgery and recovery .
22 In the human context hard physical work is not necessarily an indicator of efficiency or performance often it is the reverse .
23 Experience is necessarily an act of relating in a relationship that can never be free of paradox .
24 This is not necessarily an increase in your workload : drafting and redrafting allows lower-intensity and less stressful work than packing everything into a single and decisive act of composition .
25 In principle a task description is not necessarily an activity of a person , the task might possibly be completed automatically .
26 ‘ The number of Cabinet meetings is not necessarily an index of efficiency ’ , said one who believes her brand of Cabinet government ( ‘ a president within a monarchy ’ ) is a more effective way of shifting business than the traditional collective model .
27 The ratio of the consumption of wood to steel varies considerably between different countries but it is not necessarily an index of the degree of industrialization or of technological advancement .
28 I do not agree that such a postmodern attack on autonomous and auratic culture is at all necessarily an offensive against ‘ bourgeois ’ art .
29 Youthful Roy Jenkins was recommended to fight the Hillhead election for the SDP and a judge proved that youth was not necessarily an advantage by deciding that a 17-year-old girl , a victim of rape , was guilty of contributory negligence by thumbing a lift at night .
30 Past results are not necessarily an indication of future performance .
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