Example sentences of "[adv] we could do " in BNC.

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1 It shows how much we could do to address the threat of climate change if we were really serious about saving energy . "
2 yeah and create accidents but erm well perhaps we could do it in a sort of floor by floor actually this
3 But perhaps we could do something about it .
4 Perhaps we could do that .
5 Okay so we could do that in the first place we could say one pizza there well we 've got two pizzas but we 'll let's just concentrate on one , share it between six people .
6 Kevin and Marie and I were trying to organise them into tribes and wagon trains so we could do the film when Julie sauntered up .
7 So we could do thirds , sixth , quarter , twelfth , we could do a half .
8 If we all bashed it together we could do in that door . ’
9 And there , as they say , the matter rested , for there was now nothing further we could do ; and Meehan might have had to serve many more years in prison had not a further and quite unexpected twist come to this most tangled of cases .
10 Mr Alec Jessel , the marketing officer , said : ‘ It is very sad that such an established company has to take such a step , but there was nothing more we could do .
11 There was nothing more we could do at this stage , so we enjoyed a leisurely lunch , and Sunday was cancelled ( which was fortunate , as it rained ) .
12 To discuss what more we could do .
13 We could do exactly the same with sport , like we could do it with art and theatre and music and , and a hell of a lot of other things , but it 's unfortunately a part of our national political tradition that a large number of us feel some reluctance about doing this .
14 But then the dark powers rose , and the four Cities fell ; it was the most we could do to save the Treasures .
15 When we say and we 've often said it , well we could do with this , we could do with that like we used to say , we wanted the swimming pool well that cost an awful lot of money !
16 well we could do female could n't we .
17 Yeah , well we could do the same with both of those .
18 And er it was , it was acceptable by our members in general , that we were achieving the aims and objective of the basis of the whole incentive scheme you know , notwithstanding a lot of other things that was accompanied by , because we could we could then say to the management on most occasions , well we could do with something here that would help health and safety .
19 Well we could do with some lollipops could n't we ?
20 Well we could do this one and we could just put more or less plain flour again .
21 Well we could do this one , it 's quite a good one .
22 so maybe we could do that here
23 If we had trained for jobs such as guard , signalman or even fireman and driver then we could do at least some of the operating jobs ( guard and signalman training is not difficult ) .
24 Now and then we could do the same with the ten now
25 We now reach the impossible position where if somebody goes to appeal against us and they win , they can claim costs against us , and we actually have that now , we 've got fairly large sums of cost hanging against the council , so if I 'd like to ask Les to erm I 'd like to have his support for stronger planning laws , then we could do the things that he says we ought to do .
26 It 's the least we could do . ’
27 ‘ Hey , you folks , it was the very least we could do .
28 I du n no how we could do it before Friday , not unless erm
29 I was explaining to Jim how we could do that and it looked pretty straightforward so or , or not .
30 But I do n't know when we could do that .
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