Example sentences of "[adv] had [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Egypt was one of several Arab states that had attacked Israel and that hitherto had refused to formally recognize the state 's existence , let alone guarantee its frontiers .
2 In the interval much had happened to Marx and he was by then an exile in London in a place and a situation where inevitably he was more remote from the centres of political action .
3 In , his reading aloud had proved to be successful except for a couple of occasions when he had had a particularly stressful day and had found it exceedingly difficult to relax .
4 I all had hoped to be able to bring before you a final draft of th the service it has not yet finally been passed by the Presbyterian Church of Wales therefore , discussions on what form and how it will be printed have not yet taken place .
5 Investigation of the feet of the fines ( property documents ) for the period revealed that in 1392/3 , 1398/9 and 1410/11 Andrew had indeed been involved in a series of transactions concerning an estate of some 200 acres , which obviously had belonged to the family for a long time .
6 Oh yes , you only had to listen to this afternoon like , with the crowds and that , obviously it means a lot to them and there 's a lot of you know , stick I suppose goes around between the two clubs , so I just want to go out there , hopefully have a good game and keep a clean sheet .
7 We rode like the wind and by ten o'clock had come to the edge of the forest of Zenda .
8 Similar results were reported by Bowers , Neilman , Satz and Altman ( 1978 ) who observed a bilateral but asymmetrical impairment on finger tapping when subjects merely had to listen to a story knowing that they would subsequently be asked to recall its contents .
9 Management thus had to respond to the rising expectations and social aspirations of a higher paid and better educated workforce , and felt obliged also to reduce the rising costs of apathy induced by meaningless work .
10 The company were unable to sell the redundant equipment and finally had to resort to paying for it to be broken up and taken away for scrap : a sad end to a long and honourable career .
11 Keynesian economics no longer had to resort to the deus ex machina of postulating a ‘ sociologically determined ’ level of money wages .
12 I just had to tend to him when it got too much for someone who is not that involved in drugs .
13 A physiotherapist said that she could not recall any aggravation at any level , and an occupational therapist said : ‘ It did n't matter what problems I had , I just had to go to them and they 'd say ‘ OK , there 's a way round it . ’ ’
14 Oh Just had to go to the toilet did n't I ?
15 He just had to adjust to the wide outside and Bones 's new top gear , hitherto unsuspected .
16 I just had to write to you , to tell the Tennis World readers what a certain , beautiful lady has done for tennis and for her supporters .
17 After reading the letter from Audrey Haagensen in the September issue I felt I just had to write to you .
18 She had become obsessed with Eliot and his work at the age of fourteen , after she had heard a recording of " The Journey of the Magi " : " It was extraordinary , " she said later , " that I felt I just had to get to Tom , to work with him . "
19 He just had to get to a table in the restaurant and sit down .
20 You knew with being pregnant , if you were sick or anything , you still had to go to classes .
21 I still had to talk to him .
22 ‘ I still had to get to New York where my plane was due to leave in about two hours . ’
23 ever had to listen to Barry Manilow ?
24 In the middle of March , Vance made what he later called " one of the most distasteful recommendations I ever had to make to the president . "
25 What made the annual gathering even worse was we always had to listen to her recite the twenty-third psalm , standing up there on the stage in her white dress , white socks , black shoes .
26 We always had to go to the big men on our knees and touch our forelocks and say ‘ Please can we do so and so … ? ’
27 Alas , we always had to return to our cobbled back lanes .
28 The end-of-year panic on discovering that other teachers had covered more had led to a general feeling that the quicker topics were completed the better .
29 There was as yet no uniformity of practice among local authorities , who continued to rely on a wide variety of examining methods , though more had turned to external test agencies — organisations or examiners — than in the past .
30 The future , which once had seemed to her a long , grassy vista into distant sunlight , was now a black impenetrable vapour , blowing towards her menacingly , like some poisonous gas , and threatening to envelop her .
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