Example sentences of "[adv] as [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 BELOW Making a detailed scale drawing of a vertical section can take as long as excavating the feature in the first place .
2 Creating a game from a film costs hundreds of thousands of pounds and can take as long as making the movie .
3 Within the permitted development rules for home extensions , this means no permission is needed , so long as adding the garage does n't result in the volume of the house being increased by more than the permitted development allowance .
4 How many can be regarded merely as affecting the objects in which the estate is now held to consist ( this is what the words permutatum dominium convey ) ?
5 It is unfortunate that the United States Federal Rules of Civil Procedure , while expressing authorising service in a manner prescribed by the law of the foreign country , contains no provision corresponding to that in the English Rules of the Supreme Court that nothing in the Rules authorises or requires the doing in a foreign country of anything contrary to the law of that country ; the issue is referred to merely in the official commentary of the Advisory Committee and then only as affecting the chances of the recognition and enforcement in the foreign country of a judgment obtained in the United States .
6 It was held that the clause did not protect the owners against liability for negligence : they could be liable either strictly , for failing to supply a cycle fit for its purpose , or in negligence ; it was therefore construed only as covering the strict liability .
7 Since the 1960s , when a number of new social movements — among them the student movement , various national and ethnic movements , and the women 's movement — became extremely active in political life , a great deal more attention has been given by sociologists to such forms of political action , which may be seen not only as constituting a basis or context for the development of more highly organized political activities , but also as political forces in their own right , existing alongside and sometimes in conflict with , established parties and pressure groups .
8 Integrity is flouted not only in specific compromises of that character , however , but whenever a community enacts and enforces different laws each of which is coherent in itself , but which can not be defended together as expressing a coherent ranking of different principles of justice or fairness or procedural due process .
9 An alternative way of examining this example might be to see the individuals as employees or representatives of the organisation , and thus as exercising the rights the organisation had gained for them through the treaty , independent of their member States .
10 If all the statutory conditions are satisfied , the shareholder is treated as disposing of his shares for capital gains tax purposes and not as receiving a distribution , and this treatment is mandatory .
11 I will argue that the best way of seeing research is as an aid to increasing enlightenment and not as providing the answers .
12 Section 22 reaffirms the notion that a partnership share is ordinarily to be seen as a proportion of the net distributable assets of the firm available for distribution at the end of the winding-up process and not as comprising a severable share in each of the partnership assets — though , as mentioned in Chapter 10 , the Revenue may take a different line .
13 The empirical work may be seen broadly as implementing the simple framework set out in Section 9–1 ( applied to current rather than lifetime income ) .
14 ’ Speaking for myself , I read that very broadly as giving the judge who makes a residence order the jurisdiction to attach conditions , or directions which I think are very much the same thing , as to how the children should be cared for and where they should be once the residence order has been made .
15 Once airborne , the technique of control comes just as easily as riding the proverbial bicycle … until that is , you fall off !
16 In some quarters the inadequacy of pitches presents just as terrifying a prospect as the pace of the bowling .
17 Insist though trade unions might that their purpose was not to subvert the market economy but to sell labour at a fair price as a commodity in it , the fact remained that successful trade unionism implied reduced dividends on investment , just as organising the production of goods for sale in Co-operative stores as a function of independent industrial co-operatives implied reduced dividends on purchases from them .
18 The pre-modern relationship which prevailed for centuries has just as enduring an influence .
19 Both optimism and pessimism are highly infectious so it is possible to affect the mood of an entire group — just as throwing a stone into the water causes ripples to spread far and wide .
20 easy as riding a bike or walking the sea .
21 Easy as skinning a cat , Commander . "
22 " Easy as skinning a cat , sir .
23 Underneath these myths of management , both as giving a sense of status and defining process , we noted that there was a good deal of depression and despair .
24 Written by MIT Professor Paul Krugman , formerly on the staff of the White House Council of Economic Advisers , and Professor Edward Graham , formerly in the office of international investment at the US Treasury , and later at the OECD in Paris , the report will be scanned carefully as indicating the current thinking of the Washington policy-making establishment .
25 Some see corporatism grandly as a total economic system distinct from capitalism and socialism ; some see corporatism as a particular kind of " state form " distinct from , say , parliamentarianism , where citizens participate in the determination of policies through the exercise of voting rights in relation to a parliament ; and still others see corporatism rather more modestly and fruitfully as connoting a particular system of interest-group politics and representation distinct from the pluralist system that we have just discussed .
26 Arab states including Algeria , Jordan , Sudan , Syria and Yemen strongly condemned the plan , regarding it as setting a dangerous precedent in the region and also as signalling the effective three-way partitioning of Iraq into Kurdish , Sunni and Shia blocs .
27 Something like the ‘ civil religion ’ of American life , or the compromising good-sense of the British , is held up as embodying the culture at large .
28 Whereas in the past there have been various pressure groups setting themselves up as having a special reason for being heard thanks to their scientific credentials , perhaps the wisest comment on this came from the professor who , while urging scientists to make their voices heard , also urged them not to make any special claims to knowledge or understanding of the issues just because they were scientists .
29 They understand straight up as meaning the direction of the sun , and they know which direction is straight up because they are sensitive to gravity .
30 But if one issue is to be singled out as representing a point of potential conflict between partners at this time it will most likely concern the relationship between home and employment .
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