Example sentences of "[adv] they be [det] " in BNC.

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1 They drank coffee happily , Conrad and Larry had a brandy , Philippa flirted with John to tease Larry before leaving , then they ordered their taxis and suddenly they were all , even Conrad , devastatingly , magically , irreversibly , gone .
2 'E was jus ' tellin' me about the unions , an' 'ow they 're all worried about a General Strike .
3 Apparently they 're all in the wrong things . ’
4 And I come on and basically they 're all gon na shout hello .
5 ‘ Deep down they 're all fucking cowards . ’
6 and stuff and they 'd be shouting down they were all like , they were all real East End barrow boys and , and just , it was exactly like the film , just talking talking talking all the time on two phones and like , and like I was just so scared to go in there because I , if you do anything wrong they just shout immediately .
7 Plans evolved for new trains for the 1990s Channel Tunnel workings between British provincial centres and Paris , Brussels , and beyond being formed into eighteen coach trains with a power car at each end like an extended electric version of the InterCity 125 diesels , but with the capability to split into nine-coach trains push-pull style with a single power car , perhaps they are all things to all men .
8 Perhaps they were all in it together : Yakovlev , the Müller woman , the French officers , the Englishman , Jews , whores , even Fouché .
9 Perhaps they were all his wives .
10 Perhaps they were all at this well-attended W.I. meeting , where not only hats , but coats and fur stoles seems to have been the thing .
11 Perhaps they were former choirmen or servers from her father 's old parish — that might be the answer .
12 Perhaps they were more than just good friends .
13 Obviously they are all dehorned !
14 maybe no only they 're more than a year .
15 But if only they were all shorter ; if only there could be some sort of trade-union agreement to lower the recognized height of the canopy in forests , all the trees would benefit .
16 They were all in they were all on the side !
17 So they are all there , kicking our teeth in .
18 So they are all four hundreds .
19 So they 're all , they 're trading off their gains from economies of scale , right , with erm , variability of , of income that may result from sort of , putting all their eggs in one basket , so diversification is the main way in which farmers cope er , with an uncertain environment .
20 Oh so they 're all Oh bloody hell .
21 Fucking , fire 's this gun at him point blank and he goes and he stands there like this , and he , he stood there and he goes running round the corner sort of thing and then he goes he ca n't of missed from that fucking distance you know , and its that distance and er , in the , in the car , the mate goes , the mate sort of till he passed out , and he goes bring it to me , he goes , and its still alive , he goes , but matey in the front goes oh my he goes , I knew you 'd fuck up he goes and so they 're all blanks you
22 So they 're all prattling away ?
23 So they 're all dark , really , are n't they ?
24 So they 're all coming in costume as it were ?
25 So they 're both directly proportional .
26 Oh I 'm not just a pretty face I do n't remember what dates it has , make up three appropriate dates So they 're both coming at half past twelve , yeah ?
27 so they were all emptied out of everybody .
28 So they were all to be anonymous .
29 Mm so they were all
30 So they were all and very industrious looking .
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