Example sentences of "[adv] but [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 They had quite successfully avoided talking about those two lately but some time they would have to — that was if Fernando 's intentions were serious .
2 They seem to have evolved not once but many times .
3 Breeze O'Brien , laden with parcels of all shapes and sizes , and further hampered by an enormous umbrella , came into violent collision , not once but many times , during her headlong dash up the hill .
4 Just for a moment , suppose that it had been proved beyond doubt that reincarnation was a fact and we all lived not just once but many times .
5 He dipped the flannel in the water and bathed the swollen joint not once but many times , leaving the flannel wrapped around it for long seconds each time .
6 And he owed Duncan a favour , not once but many times over .
7 They had seen her lover , not once but many times , in the pubs and the clubs , chatting up girls .
8 The origin of life on a planet can be a very improbable event indeed by our everyday standards , or indeed by the standards of the chemistry laboratory , and still be sufficiently probable to have occurred , not just once but many times , all over the universe .
9 And all the time the snow fell ; not once but many times , scooped up by the wind and hurled back in huge opaque whirlpools that obliterated even the pencil lines .
10 ‘ Not once but several times , ’ he added .
11 We do n't know , and that happened not once but several times , leading to er er er a good ne honest professional members of the lottery commission er to warn in internal memos er that this was going to raise legal and public relations problems .
12 In southern China , every bit of land is used not once but three times .
13 After a plain breakfast they went out again , still taking it slowly but this time with more of a distance in mind .
14 ‘ We would have caught him eventually but this time it was thankfully a case of sooner rather than later . ’
15 Car mechanic Graham , 28 , of Stevenage , Herts , said : ‘ We 've tried many times to give up but this time it 's different . ’
16 ‘ I had just one fish from the swim the week before but this time had five botes and took four fish , ’ said David .
17 To test the first possibility P(A) was calculated using the same procedure as before but this time for individual subjects rather than stimuli .
18 Why I 'm showing , I mean this is just the same as the table you had before but this time what I 'm showing you is the product of A ti A times B , the product of the two .
19 Again the ball of flame rolled out but this time , as the dragon 's neck muscles contracted , its colour faded from orange to yellow , from yellow to white , and finally to the faintest of blues .
20 and er , and , and , he feels look , well I 'm caring with it now but some time
21 Asked why it had taken him 26 years to return , he said : ‘ I was n't invited till last year — though if I had been before perestroika , I would have thought not twice but 10 times about it , and I 'm not sure I would have come . ’
22 The stall is approached once again but this time in a very slight turn and , if necessary , with a very small amount of extra rudder — just enough to make the wing drop .
23 On the hour , Jones waded forward again but this time Graziani pushed his crashing shot behind .
24 The coffee thermos and cups were fetched , the incense came again but this time it was passed more slowly , so that everyone could enjoy the sweet-smelling smoke to a greater extent .
25 The next day they tried again but this time they added ten per cent of heavy water to the liquid , thereby increasing the amount of deuterium — the fusion fuel .
26 Now do the same thing again but this time split your turn into two smaller turns .
27 He helped Joshua into the cart , sitting him on the floor again but this time leaning up against a wing , and tucked the rug under his legs .
28 She looked at him again but this time there was no smile on her face .
29 The apricot flush stained her cheeks again but this time it was anger — anger and bitterness .
30 Ten minutes later round went the tip again but this time I was into something bigger .
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