Example sentences of "[adv] at the local " in BNC.

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1 Things look tasty down at the local
2 I 'm , well I work part-time down at the local library .
3 Come August , when the action is beamed back from Barcelona , they might just recognise that man who works down at the local track .
4 The extent to which such an understanding is justified has been a matter of some debate , not only at the local level , but in terms of national politics , and even politics within the EC .
5 Furthermore at the local level , although the international community still conversed ‘ in a dead language , the Latin of the Middle East : 242 and 338 ’ , it was difficult to ignore the fact that the conflict was increasingly inter-communal , crossing the 1949 Armistice Line — with growing numbers of Israeli Palestinians to the west and Israeli Jewish settlers to the east of it .
6 MORE people are looking in at the local , if figures from West Country brewer Devenish are any guide .
7 On his way back , Joe called in at the local pawnbroker 's shop , run by ‘ Uncle ’ Jeremiah Baldwin and his daughter Annie .
8 My third bus dropped me two streets away from home , which gave me a chance to call in at the local florist 's and buy a twenty-quid bouquet on PKB 's Amex card .
9 If you can help please telephone DAD on Darlington or call in at the local office at the Friends Meeting House , 6 Skinnergate , Darlington .
10 Should they be making low-budget films pitched largely at the local market and emphasizing their Britishness , as the critics demand , or big films on the Hollywood model for the world ?
11 You could look for a course in assertiveness or self- esteem — in London the Women 's Therapy Centre ( 071–263 6200 ) can help ; outside it is a question of asking around , possibly at the local library .
12 In answering these questions , local politics inevitably come to the fore again , not only because different responses have different costs and benefits for different groups of people in different places , but also because alternative policies can actually be tried out at the local level .
13 The rise in local politics over recent years is not just the passive outcome of national forces working themselves out at the local level .
14 While at the current time the main focus of this work has been to better assess need through localities , work is being undertaken to identify ways in which budgets could be allocated to localities and purchasing carried out at the local level .
15 Perhaps the worst treatment Graham had to endure was an experiment with ultra-violet rays , carried out at the local hospital .
16 He lives in Whitehaven with his wife , Hilda , and his plans for retirement include helping out at the local United Reformed Church where he is an elder . ’
17 If it is a story aimed simply at the local media , two or three press releases may be sufficient , sent to the reporter on the local evening paper and the local radio station .
18 ‘ We met then at the local hunt polo match at Down Farm , ’ she said .
19 Er when it comes down to application at the local sense then at the local level , I think my colleagues might be able to er give more enlightenment on that .
20 Our team visited schools , colleges , libraries , hospitals and even backstage at the local theatre .
21 I it looks like there 's a lot of freedom in there at the local level which is of interest .
22 Thus , for example , in order to understand what is going on at the local outside-level on Lewis , it is necessary to examine the structure of the oil industry as a whole .
23 what is on at the local theatre ;
24 There are various ways about that as there are with many road schemes er where there are structure plan policies for a particular scheme and there are arrows on key diagrams , there are many ways of getting from A to B er they are not er in terms of outer and inner , they are going from the same A to B. They they start and finish at the same locations , it is just a different way of getting from A to B. Which quite properly as I understand it would be a matter for debate er either at the local plan or if a planning application is made er earlier than that er then at a at a planning enquiry into the specific road proposal .
25 These damned black marketeers are everywhere ; they siphon the stuff off as soon as it comes into the country , at the various stores and again at the local distribution points .
26 We have only really looked closely at the local analysis of one particular kind of homoclinic orbit ( in section 6.4 ) ; such local analyses are interesting in their own right , but are relatively well known { 37 } .
27 Only at the close of the summer did things improve at the central , though not yet at the local level .
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