Example sentences of "[adv] at [noun] time " in BNC.

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1 If you have a go at reading Hansard , both truths will force themselves on you , piercing the tedium , loquaciousness and tomfoolery of MPs , especially at question time .
2 After receiving a government post ( in 1813 ) he seems to have felt bound to repay the debt of obligation by political services , especially at election times .
3 Having acted in a Conservative manner , especially at election times , one starts to take oneself for a Conservative ( i.e. Bem , 1967 ) .
4 The reader will not , however , begrudge the author 's serendipity which , especially at election time , succeeded in extracting for him the following from Smollett 's Humphrey Clinker ( 1771 ) : I know nothing so abject as the behaviour of a man canvassing for a seat in Parliament .
5 The fact remains that while Mossad is the honoured guest of the American government in Washington , especially at election time , the entire UN General Assembly had to be air-lifted to Geneva to hear what Arafat had to say .
6 He was incapable of entering any room quietly , especially at breakfast time .
7 Meanwhile , in light of the increasing loads on the major route between Jersey and Guernsey , especially at peak times during the summer , a Shorts 360 was acquired from Maersk , gaining the registration G- OAAS .
8 His family were a captive audience , especially at meal times , which were central to their day .
9 We may be an enlightened society but I 'm sure many people do n't want to sit through graphic descriptions of a certain type of sanitary towel — especially at meal times .
10 She says Celest is sometimes very talkative … especially at meal times .
11 She says Celest is sometimes very talkative … especially at meal times .
12 York ham commands a high price and is much sought after , especially at Christmas time .
13 Suddenly , I became very wary , especially at bath times , when I 'd refuse to dry them like I used to .
14 The sitting-room has glazed sliding-front china cases , electrically lit on either side … the staircase window , or rather glass wall , has fringed curtains in green and white , illuminated from below at night time . ’
15 And you used to have what they call a wick in it you know to light it and turn it down at night time and blow it out down the .
16 Parents : Help when they 're put to the test Maggie Drummond offers hints on helping children knuckle down at exam time
17 when you came down at dinner time , when you came charging into the common room .
18 It can also examine timetables to ensure that bus companies operate not only at peak times but at midday or at other times when people wish to travel to doctors , hospitals or services that may be situated in the centres of population in cities and towns .
19 Immediate Past National President and his lady , and were showered with cards and letters of good wishes during their conference and take this opportunity to thank all their friends and colleagues for their support and friendship , not only at conference time but throughout their year of office .
20 Oh funny thing I was having a look at one of Carrie 's , she 's got the Radio Times which we do n't get , only at Christmas time .
21 Dennis McCarthy on Afternoon Special from two till half four Alan Clifford at tea time in for John Simons from half four until seven o'clock at tea time later .
22 Dr Hill said : ‘ Children who wished they were thinner reported that they were significantly more likely to refuse food because they were worried about their weight , to try to eat less at meal times and deliberately to eat slimming foods . ’
23 It 's really confusing , cos kids are they 'll all of been in at play time today wo n't they ?
24 ‘ Slices of pizza in boxes , hot and ready to eat , would go down really well here with all the people that come in at lunch times from the colleges and offices around . ’
25 R ( part time pupil who comes in at lunch time ) seemed quite placid , so was easier to control ; alas when dinner was presented he announced it was ‘ finished ’ without tasting it .
26 I mean if the fe if the ferries were like early sort of bo got you in at lunch time
27 I was let out between eight and half-past in the morning , locked back in at dinner time , let out to do the washing up and scrub the kitchen floor in the afternoon , and then locked up again .
28 Oh I was playing up and they chucked me out the class or something and I had to stay in at dinner time .
29 I mean some of them at the going in at dinner time and have a couple , three pints it do n't hit them does it ?
30 I du n no I just , I was coming in at dinner time and there was a , a double decker bus with all its front smashed in , the wall fell over
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