Example sentences of "[adv] he can [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The less initiative the worker has , the better he can tolerate such a job .
2 He 's even something of a linguist apparently he can grunt monosyllables in five languages .
3 The more difficult question is how long he can continue as a one-man movement .
4 We know that ‘ theologically ’ only he can do it , but we can play our part .
5 It is this concurrent development which provides the source of what much later is destined to become the relationship which binds man to his God , first , by the processes of evolution , and then by man himself struggling to bring into his life the enrichment available to him if only he can control the legacies of ruthless evolution .
6 ‘ Peace be to Lieutenant Denholm but he 's a civilian electronics specialist who 's come out to fix some abstruse electronic fault that only he can fix .
7 Then the judge must do his best for the community as a whole , frankly and honestly , not pretending to " discover " some law beneath the surface of statutes or precedents that only he can see .
9 Occupying , as he does , what is virtually a vice-regal position , only he can judge whether he can maintain his authority after the visit to Dublin .
10 Surely only he can say whether I 'm out or not . ’
11 So I says I tell you what I 'll do , I 'll take you only he can drive it .
12 Maybe only He can save us .
13 ‘ Yes , we 'll have an overhead-scrolling runaway bit , perhaps he can change into a car later , kill lots of people , ( cough ) and perhaps along the way the game could convey a general lack of atmosphere , just like the film . ’
14 As the Leader of the House is here , perhaps he can give us an idea of when a statement will be made .
15 I understand that my right hon. Friend has just been to Oman , so perhaps he can give the House some information .
16 Besides that , Pedrosa laughs , when she 's finished running marathons , perhaps he can start running seriously .
17 I 'm seeing Dr McKenzie tomorrow so perhaps he can arrange a meeting .
18 Perhaps he can do it ? ’
19 Perhaps he can explain Falconer 's macabre joke about graves ? ’
20 Perhaps he can help us . ’
21 That being the case , perhaps he can help me .
22 Perhaps he can raise some cash on a patent granted last week or an application he filed in happier days .
23 when he 's been there a little while perhaps he can come with all the authority of a Euro MP and tell us the answer to his own question er , the honourable member for Ashfield er referred back to the positioning of the European parliament er where it should meet , there are three sites .
24 Perhaps he can hear us .
25 Perhaps he can understand Sarah . ’
26 That celebrated refusal to sell David Hirst leaves Fergie with at least £3.5 million and now perhaps he can spend it in a different direction and under less panic-driven circumstances .
27 It was all down to them thinking , oh , Glen 's at art school , perhaps he can get it done for us .
28 In typical Whig language , Ferguson concluded that the Sovereign having no other Ground of claim to any Power or Prerogative , save what he hath from the Constitution which hath settled and vested them in him , That Prince who goes about to overthrow this , does all he can to cancel his own Right .
29 The skilful dealer does all he can to maintain the illusion , by for example , saying reassuringly : " My clients ' interests are my own . "
30 Even then , such assessment as there was was lost in Burgessian rhetoric : ‘ Mr Motion does all he can to chronicle those years and years of world without event , in which the interesting things happened in trousers , in pubs , and on paper …
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