Example sentences of "[adv] he be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore he was back in his homeland .
2 Suddenly he is up .
3 Suddenly he is more relaxed and confident and those horrible little worms of self-doubt which are perpetually burrowing away in a golfer 's head are banished for a few holes , anyway .
4 He 's not supposed to be first , he 's only supposed to be the exhibits man , but suddenly he 's there , running down the hallway .
5 No big deal , it had happened in his life before ; but suddenly he was intensely , intensely relieved that Wayne had stayed in the van and could n't see this .
6 Against his steady progress I worked the cameras frantically , images and sequences flooding my mind , until suddenly he was up , axes raised against the white of the scurrying clouds .
7 Suddenly he was n't teasing any more .
8 Suddenly he was as elated as his mother .
9 Suddenly he was out of all patience .
10 Suddenly he was there , taking off his top hat and looking down at her . ’
11 The door was quickly opened and shut , and suddenly he was there with her .
12 Fortunately fame has n't changed Victor Tsoy much he 's still a silent loner .
13 Naturally he was very happy when I was able to tell him that I recently came across a couple of cases of them we did n't know we had .
14 Apparently he 's not going out any more .
15 Apparently he 's really evil , and follows Cab round when he 's in Arcady , being mean .
16 Apparently he 's really , Annie was saying he really put his foot down .
17 But apparently he 's all right for the weekend because Saturday is a courting-free day ! ’
18 Apparently he was n't touting for more Pest Control business , rather his tropical iguana had escaped and made off through the undergrowth .
19 see what happened is , I came over and he says , you know I 've told this lady that you saw the man standing beside her and she went she sort of , she described him , apparently he was very tall which
20 She had an American boyfriend whom she was cultivating like mad and apparently he was so stunned by the first sight of Rosie 's straight grey legs and black feet pointing to twenty past eight that he took several photos of them with his expensive Leica camera , exclaiming joyfully , ‘ Oh boy !
21 Apparently he was quite charming , but as the basis of his charm seemed to rest upon the un-startling stratagem of addressing every female he encountered by the fullest possible version of her name ( so that every Julie became a Juliana , every Dot extended to a Dorothea , all Marys became Mariana , Sues Susanna , etc .
22 Apparently he was quite used to the caustic humour that Alain seemed to favour .
23 She said , ‘ Basically he 's just a parasitical , sexually frustrated man .
24 W E Lambert who was the one that match-guise technique erm and basically he 's just kind of saying about the technique that it shows corre correlations between the degree of bilingual ability and attitudinal dispositions .
25 Erm so basically he 's still there and they 've got rid of me making it as an excuse but Charles as partner is his brother , Nicholas .
26 But before long he was up again and running .
27 As soon as he was up and about he insisted on taking up a Magister and flying it one-handed , and before long he was back on operations with an artificial arm .
28 In 1973 , a Japanese motoring enthusiast bought a Super Seven and before long he was back , determined to import the cars into Japan and more than willing to take on the red tape .
29 ‘ I will go up to the roof , just remember though to tell them to send a ladder up there ’ said Ralph ‘ Take the child with you and hurry ’ And with that Carter ran as fast as he could through the dark air with the lady and child and before long he was out Ralph 's sight .
30 Before splicing a dozen lagers , I was on the blower to Reg to tell him that hencewith and foreforth he was no longer an employee of Athletico Whaddon .
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