Example sentences of "[adv] be in such " in BNC.

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1 Klemperer 's live account of Mahler 's Kindertotenlieder with the same orchestra may not be in such good sound , but with Kathleen Ferrier as soloist this is another important document , and it is coupled with an unrivalled version of Brahms 's Liebeslieder-Walzer from the 1952 Edinburgh Festival .
2 Others may not be in such a happy position .
3 ‘ Please , you can not be in such a rush .
4 If we did that , there would be much less of a problem and we would not be in such deep water with the European Commission .
5 Perhaps these people feel , as do members of the local communities , that the coastline would not be in such urgent need of ‘ protection ’ were it not for the imminent threat of creation of a housing development , larger than the existing village of Dirleton , adjacent to it .
6 And when he was found they 'd both be in such a heap of dung , they 'd be lucky if they did n't find themselves nicked as thieves .
7 And it makes you more money — which you can put away toward the day when you wo n't be in such demand ! ’
8 If more of us thought the same way , this country would n't be in such a mess .
9 He need n't be in such a hurry to disclaim her , Robbie thought indignantly , then realised the little clergyman was expecting her to shake hands .
10 ‘ Do n't be in such a hurry .
11 ‘ But he ca n't be in such immediate danger , or — ’
12 If they 'd been wise and told their government that this tax should not happen , as indeed many of their former ministers , like Michael Heseltine said , they 'd said it was incredibly complicated although seemed sounding easy , and would in fact bring higher levels of taxation to the lowest income people , then er if the local tories had actually acted on that and put pressure on their central party , perhaps their government would n't be in such a mess about this issue now .
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