Example sentences of "[adv] with [adv] much " in BNC.

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1 My guess is that they meant to come back , only with so much police activity they did n't like to risk it . ’
2 Definitely not battery operated around here , especially with so much room .
3 She had taken that whisky bottle from a nearby table and brought it down with as much strength as she could muster on Duvall 's head .
4 She lifted her multi-petticoated skirts and walked down with as much grace as she could manage , playing the part of Cinderella at her first ball , prevented from any sudden movement by the flattering silken wig whose curls were interlaced with pearls and fell in tumbling ringlets on to one breast .
5 Please send them in with as much notice as possible .
6 The Russells Hall pupils were immediately able to see that their new working partners opted for as wide a range of activities as they did and joined in with as much interest .
7 They were used to seeing 3 × 80 oz. bottles put in with too much colour and a ‘ hope for the best ’ attitude .
8 It will include the personal weapon , three days ' rations and ammunition , along with as much water as can be carried , and also nuclear , biological and chemical warfare equipment , since the enemy is known to have a chemical weapons capability .
9 By contrast , the rather trashy and bitchy biog. of Nancy Reagan is compelling because of one 's disbelief that she could and did actually get away with as much as she did .
10 One thing we must stipulate ; it is n't a get rich quick course , it 's giving you the background of it so that you can go away with as much information as possible .
11 She ca n't believe photographers can get away with so much here , ’ said her manager during that visit to London , Jason 's trusted right hand man Richard East .
12 I think it 's their attitude because with Mr Price we get away with so much and then he says , no , and we have a real good old time .
13 That 's why the statesmen can get away with so much , ’ he said .
14 Unfortunately , his brave decision to keep the game flowing as often as possible resulted in too many players getting away with too much .
15 But there 's also the problem that you lose respect if they allow you to get away with too much . ’
16 Apart from anything else , I ca n't help feeling that if women let men get away with too much bad behaviour , men do not forgive them for the burden of guilt they then have to bear .
17 We may feel today that things might have been better planned , and that it is a great pity that what now looks like the decisive contribution of England to world history should have been carried through with so much muddle and mess .
18 She would cut off her right arm and give it to him if he came over with as much as a single bag .
19 Shines on leaves become visible near to darks and transparencies become richer , but not with as much emphasis as the changes caused by the transparency of water .
20 The authorities were determined not to take any chances , not with so much at stake .
21 They drop gracefully off their perches in mid-flow and preferably with as much publicity as possible .
22 They stood and watched the nun spin on her heel and waddle off with as much dignity as she could muster .
23 The presumption of guilt is being written into new laws , but rarely with as much candour as in the badgers example .
24 We have made sure that we get on with as much as we can get through in our help for Iraq through UNHCR , but there is one man — and one man only — who stands in the dock for the denial of resources to the northern Iraqi people , and that is Saddam Hussein .
25 Polly felt her stomach nerves flutter uneasily , but she had come too far and put up with too much to back down now .
26 Nominations , which should be backed up with as much information as possible , should be sent to the Veuve Clicquot Award , Freepost , London E1 9BR by 31 January .
27 Is this what life is for , is this why my parents brought me up with so much love and care ?
28 So either one can not imagine postal activity in isolation , because it is conceptually bound up with so much else , or one can imagine it as the futile activity of a deluded loner .
29 Erm , firstly , we are looking at carers for employees , and we 're unlikely to come up with very much , because we have n't got much money to do it .
30 JEWKES : [ to the dejected PAMELA ] I can not wonder , madam , to see you so very low-spirited these two or three days past with so much happiness before you .
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