Example sentences of "[adv] be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 So that if our speaker for example had been John from the Halifax Building Society he would only be talking about Global Investments .
32 You will not only be embarking on an interesting and responsible job but could be laying a fine foundation for a career in account management .
33 Well , I find nowadays , people are much better at planning their retirement than they used to be , maybe because people are more aware of the fact th they wo n't necessarily be teaching till sixty or that sort of erm age .
34 VOTERS in the Middlesbrough Borough Council area have been reminded they may not necessarily be voting in the Middlesbrough constituency tomorrow .
35 Therefore I would not necessarily be looking for a secretarial position , and would be open to other suggestions .
36 I mean we may not necessarily be talking about the the the reporting procedures on turnover which would enable us to assess a rack rent in in in the
37 If all termites in the world behave like those in their lab , they might together be producing between 10 and 90 million million grams a year ( Nature , vol 301. p 700 ) .
38 And this is why I think the approach that Harrogate would perhaps be thinking of and we ourselves would be thinking of if this is the way we wanted to go is simply to go out and get a site and get planning permission on it .
39 ‘ And if you 're worried about the taxpayer , should n't you perhaps be attending to the urgent little matter your sergeant told you about ? ’
40 Andrew will shortly be moving into a new flat in Dumbarton .
41 The Chance 's other son , David , an entertainment manager in Glasgow and one-time director of tourism in Scotland , will shortly be moving to the London area as general manager of a theatre and arts complex .
42 The new plant will shortly be moving from Dalkeith to a 20,000 sq ft facility at Livingston .
43 The discussions are close to a conclusion and I understand that my hon. Friend will shortly be writing to the industry to clear up some of the remaining points , which will isolate the relatively few issues to be settled .
44 Leaving his cry wafting after him , he disappeared in pursuit of a housemaid who was busily removing all the clean antimacassars that had only just been placed lovingly in position for the oil-bedaubed heads that would shortly be resting on them .
45 It has now been agreed that another two such seminars will be held and Douglas will shortly be asking for nominations to attend .
46 HCIMA 's own guidelines include advice on how to write a policy statement and start thinking seriously about Green issues ; current legislation ; and the new laws which will shortly be coming into effect as a result of the Rio Earth Summit .
47 Matthew Best is probably his most well known pupil in musical circles , a ‘ rising star in the music world ’ who performs all over the country and who will shortly be coming to Opera North , he says .
48 Now that you are completing the preliminary studies and will shortly be embarking on the more complicated part of the syllabus , I feel that , at this stage , it would be of benefit to give you the following lessons in an endeavour to press home to you the importance and value of your continued perseverance .
49 Among these is Sister Julie Ambrose Atkinson from Kendal , who is at present on leave but will shortly be returning to Nigeria .
50 We understand that she will shortly be returning to her home in London .
51 At this point the guard announced , ‘ We will shortly be arriving at Gatwick Airport . ’
52 Miranda frowned at the rain ; her visitors would shortly be arriving at the village hotels , for she had decided to hold the KITS annual sales conference weekend at Saracen .
53 She was uncertain whether , at work , she should be denying the rumour that she was engaged to the head of the Massingham empire , but thought that if Naylor had any strong views on the subject she 'd soon be hearing about them anyway .
54 ‘ Well , ’ they continue , ‘ we 've been reading your columns and we 're just a little bit worried that you might mean it when you say that the European Community is a fraudulent delusion ; the German economy is kaput ; the French are morally bankrupt ; racism is becoming endemic ; America 's had it ; Britain 's in for five years of total chaos and the middle-classes will soon be taking to the streets .
55 As well as carrying food , the CARE airlifts , which will soon be taking in enough seeds and tools for 50,000 families so that people can begin to help themselves .
56 He concluded the scene by saying that we would soon be stopping at Newmarket , but that British owners should n't get off the train as they would find no races there .
57 When he would return , the two would feel even closer than before the quarrel and they would soon be moving about the yard together , chatting away .
58 He appeared on BBC1 's The Health Show earlier this year and will soon be moving to GMTV as an early morning medical adviser .
59 It was a pleasing thought , that I might soon be moving in more exalted circles .
60 My people will soon be moving in here .
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