Example sentences of "[adv] with as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The effect of preceding context on auditory word recognition was investigated by Marslen-Wilson and Welsh ( 1978 ) using a speech-shadowing task in which the subject listened to continuous speech through headphones and repeated it aloud with as little delay as possible .
2 To complete , the whole piece was dressed down with as many and as fine cuts as possible again using different angles of attack , all the time experimenting .
3 She had taken that whisky bottle from a nearby table and brought it down with as much strength as she could muster on Duvall 's head .
4 She lifted her multi-petticoated skirts and walked down with as much grace as she could manage , playing the part of Cinderella at her first ball , prevented from any sudden movement by the flattering silken wig whose curls were interlaced with pearls and fell in tumbling ringlets on to one breast .
5 ‘ I sha n't be hanging around when the starter 's gun goes for the final , and I reckon I 'm in with as good a chance as anybody .
6 Please send them in with as much notice as possible .
7 The Russells Hall pupils were immediately able to see that their new working partners opted for as wide a range of activities as they did and joined in with as much interest .
8 It will include the personal weapon , three days ' rations and ammunition , along with as much water as can be carried , and also nuclear , biological and chemical warfare equipment , since the enemy is known to have a chemical weapons capability .
9 As she caught the jagged edges of skin together with as delicate a stitch as she could — the patient was a young woman , and a scar was the last thing she would want — Shelley said , ‘ That roundabout is terribly dangerous .
10 Between four and six police officers , together with as many as five social workers , descended on each of the homes .
11 These are : ( a ) the originating application together with as many copies as there are respondents ; and ( b ) a request for the issue of the originating application ( though see under " Preparation of documents " above ) .
12 These are : ( a ) a request for entry of appeal ( N209 ) stating the names and addresses of persons intended to be served ( the respondents ) and the appellant 's address for service , together with as many copies as there are respondents ; ( b ) a copy of the order , decision or award appealed against ; ( c ) where the enactment under which the appeal lies requires the appellant to give to the other parties notice in writing of his intention to appeal and of the grounds of his appeal , a copy of such notice ; in any other case the request for entry of appeal must include the grounds of the appeal ; ( 3 ) payment of fees for issue and for service by bailiff if appropriate ( see Table of Fees ) ; ( 4 ) a self-addressed envelope if issued by post .
13 She had regarded men as men had been used to regard women : pleasant and pleasurable enough when they stayed in line but outside the mainstream of life and more or less irrelevant to its principal purpose , which was keeping body and soul together with as little effort and as much comfort as was practically consistent with this aim .
14 By contrast , the rather trashy and bitchy biog. of Nancy Reagan is compelling because of one 's disbelief that she could and did actually get away with as much as she did .
15 One thing we must stipulate ; it is n't a get rich quick course , it 's giving you the background of it so that you can go away with as much information as possible .
16 She would cut off her right arm and give it to him if he came over with as much as a single bag .
17 Shines on leaves become visible near to darks and transparencies become richer , but not with as much emphasis as the changes caused by the transparency of water .
18 They drop gracefully off their perches in mid-flow and preferably with as much publicity as possible .
19 They stood and watched the nun spin on her heel and waddle off with as much dignity as she could muster .
20 ‘ Oh , most marriages would start off with as good a chance of success as failure , I suppose , if it were n't for outside influences , but there are too many women like you around , taking what you want with no thought for anyone else involved , and then hanging on once you 've got it — out of sheer habit or emotional laziness , it sometimes seems to me . ’
21 The presumption of guilt is being written into new laws , but rarely with as much candour as in the badgers example .
22 We have made sure that we get on with as much as we can get through in our help for Iraq through UNHCR , but there is one man — and one man only — who stands in the dock for the denial of resources to the northern Iraqi people , and that is Saddam Hussein .
23 Perhaps a slow , gentle easing up with as little weight on it as possible ?
24 For some males this works well and they end up with as many as ten females on their territory .
25 He may end up with as many as sixty youngsters from several different broods which , because they hatched at slightly different times , are of several different sizes .
26 Nominations , which should be backed up with as much information as possible , should be sent to the Veuve Clicquot Award , Freepost , London E1 9BR by 31 January .
27 And what you want , you want people to come up with as wild as ideas as possible .
28 This was wrenched out with as much theatricality as good taste and decorum would allow .
29 She was naked , laid out with as much care as if Anubis himself had done it . ’
30 And the man of God told her to go out and talk to her neighbours and come back with as many empty jars as she could borrow .
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