Example sentences of "[adv] with so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 My guess is that they meant to come back , only with so much police activity they did n't like to risk it . ’
2 Definitely not battery operated around here , especially with so much room .
3 Sadly , it was inevitable that we could not keep up the pace against Twitchit Albion , especially with so many of our squad approaching the twilight of their careers .
4 ‘ Even if you did open it , ’ said the Bookman , ‘ I 'm sure the pages are weighed down with so many words it would be impossible to turn them over . ’
5 Obviously with so many having lost their lives on the disaster , you say that you do n't feel it 's maybe an act of God int hat sense , that you were picked to be saved , but erm you do n't feel any guilt as such either , o that you were one of the ones and er so many others had been lost ?
6 That it will reach 130mph was no surprise but to do so with so little fuss and noise was impressive .
7 He probably lies somewhere out on the Steppes , together with so many of his companions .
8 She ca n't believe photographers can get away with so much here , ’ said her manager during that visit to London , Jason 's trusted right hand man Richard East .
9 I think it 's their attitude because with Mr Price we get away with so much and then he says , no , and we have a real good old time .
10 That 's why the statesmen can get away with so much , ’ he said .
11 We may feel today that things might have been better planned , and that it is a great pity that what now looks like the decisive contribution of England to world history should have been carried through with so much muddle and mess .
12 The authorities were determined not to take any chances , not with so much at stake .
13 Besides — there was no time these days for playing the Wishing Game , not with so many lines to remember .
14 She 'd come in to see me when she was dressed — always with so many jewels .
15 It may well be that the rate will slip further with so many children failing to receive regular schooling .
16 Rose used the book to sell vines too , ‘ my self also with so plentiful a Stock of Sets and Plants of all those Sorts which I chiefly recommend , that those who have a desire to Store their Grounds , may receive them of me at very reasonable Rates ’ .
17 Is this what life is for , is this why my parents brought me up with so much love and care ?
18 So either one can not imagine postal activity in isolation , because it is conceptually bound up with so much else , or one can imagine it as the futile activity of a deluded loner .
19 Usual stuff — you arrange that on such-and-such a day you 'll turn up with so many people and so much luggage and he 'll transport you to the next place and when you turn up he pretends things have changed and you did n't say fifty but fifteen and anyway the price has gone up and so on and so bloody on until he gets the backhander he wants .
20 aha , and you meets up with so many wonderful people .
21 It was good to meet up with so many others plus mates from the list .
22 Against San Marino at Hampden in November 1991 , Scotland scored three times in the first half but then finished up with so many forwards that order went out the window and only one more goal was scored amid the scramble created by having Mo Johnston and Kevin Gallacher supplement John Robertson , McCoist and Gordon Durie .
23 Yes for that I do n't know cos in wo one oh actually it might be this they 've added this ste Essentials actually on conversation it is a you end up with so many do n't you ?
24 they come up with so many answers they never know which one to pick .
25 JEWKES : [ to the dejected PAMELA ] I can not wonder , madam , to see you so very low-spirited these two or three days past with so much happiness before you .
26 ‘ You 're at maximum lean angle now with so much grip that when it does step out it throws you a long way .
27 I found before that my heart was too partial in his favour and now with so much openness , affection and honour too , I am quite overcome .
28 At the moment , experts are not very helpful , since they tend to disagree among themselves , or to hedge their conclusions around with so many qualifications that parents do n't know how to apply them to their individual child .
29 I I find that well we 're dealing here with so many complex things .
30 Even with so many miles under its belt the injected 108bhp engine is never truly competitively smooth and quiet , but this young engine was quite intolerable , its overall lack of refinement evident the moment you fired it up .
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