Example sentences of "[adv] that they can " in BNC.

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1 They have pursued this dream so fiercely that they can not afford to admit any self-doubt .
2 The people in wheelchairs , it 's fair enough that they ca n't get their own dinner , but they should at least go to the back of the queue like we have to , but they push straight to the front .
3 They probably do have a bit put away — but not enough that they can afford to risk it . ’
4 I would not advise any female competitor to rely upon a firm bra as a means of protection , because all that does is hold the breasts so that they ca n't move freely under impact .
5 ‘ I 've heard that gipsies paint stolen horses so that they ca n't be recognised . ’
6 Muggers aim to terrify their victims so that they ca n't react rationally .
7 It 's just a game so that we can so that they ca n't say there caught you out .
8 ‘ Telling them to do something , then arranging matters so that they ca n't . ’
9 This means you can also tailor rooms for others to use so that they ca n't get at applications you do n't want them to use .
10 You are also asked to keep your church leaders informed of your involvement so that they can ensure you are adequately supported .
11 In theory , you have to ensure that you have at least two trees in flower at the same time so that they can pollinate each other , otherwise you may get no fruit at all .
12 Pilots should have experience at flying on the Turn and Slip indicator before using an Artificial Horizon , so that they can manage if the Horizon topples or becomes unusable .
13 What our children need from us is reassurance , so that they can live safely , knowing the real risks and knowing where they can go if they are worried .
14 The idea of getting everyone away is to isolate them from mundane worries so that they can concentrate wholeheartedly on the task in hand .
15 We maximise sponsor benefits in all media so that they can get their name all over the country .
16 The four legs and four rails that will make up the seat-jointing section are cut oversize so that they can be cut in half .
17 If there are relatives and friends , arrangements will often be made to suit them so that they can attend .
18 Such a libretto can then be handed to a composer or arranger of music and a designer so that they can make their contributions to the total production .
19 He is insistent that the only students who should work at doctoral level are those of first-class ability , who are independent of mind and inner-directed , so that they can work without much supervision , apart from ‘ a standing relation with a congenial senior to whom he can go now and then for criticism and advice . ’
20 North-easterners generally walk faster , give change faster , talk faster , and are more likely to wear watches so that they can make every second count .
21 Group Captain Glaister , a professor of aviation medicine who is involved in the testing , said at Farnborough yesterday : ‘ We will inquire upon the symptoms of increasing sickness , so that they can stop before they actually have to use a paper bag . ’
22 Jane Bywaters , who has been responsible for much of the exhibition , said : ‘ We need to give people information so that they can make up their own minds about food and not be dictated to by the media and media events . ’
23 Clips on each end of the guylines pass through the eyelets to double-up or shorten the guyline so that they can be used in a variety of different ways .
24 If you want a printed sleeve for your record , you need them before the discs are being made so that they can be delivered to the pressing plant and bagged up .
25 They have a working knowledge of contract law and other legal areas which affect musicians , such as noise levels and music licences , so that they can give advice on anything and everything that affects musicians .
26 The next job is to reconfigure the mexeflote rafts so that they can be used for other tasks .
27 WWF is working to help the communities to learn how to manage their forests on a sustainable basis , so that they can benefit year in , year out .
28 Although they make a go of the cinema for a while , by showing desert pictures and pushing up the heat so that they can sell cool refreshments , their only aim is to get back to middle-class life , but with enough money to avoid any more ‘ petty , stupid problems . ’
29 ‘ If students are going to be landed with a debt at the end of three years , they are going to choose vocational courses so that they can be certain of getting a job when they graduate and so pay off the loan . ’
30 They lean back until they look as if they are about to fall over , so that they can look around them , and perhaps check who 's behind their back .
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