Example sentences of "[adv] that the government " in BNC.

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1 Is it not enough that the government has a monopoly on war ? ’
2 As for our upper class , in 1728 Defoe lamented our aristocracy 's ‘ voluntary and affected stupidity and ignorance ’ , and their preference for leaving politics to other people , so that the government fell into the hands of ‘ knaves , politicians , mercenaries and screwed-up engines ’ .
3 The electorate did not need to be a democratic one , and as a general rule was not ; all that was needed was an electorate consisting of the men of substance , so that the government would be responsive to their choices .
4 It decided what was to be debated , for how long and when the final vote was to be taken , so that the government could plan its legislative programme and could forecast accurately when each legislative train would reach the various stages on the journey to enactment .
5 It should be thrown out and the electorate should make their views known at a general election so that the Government can come back with a better Bill at a later stage . ’
6 King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV finally acknowledged in an interview with New Zealand television in March , in which he claimed that Pohive and other dissidents were Marxists who wished to overthrow the royal style of government , that the money was being held in a United States bank so that the government would not spend it .
7 It has only been in the last year or so that the Government has started to grapple with major areas of social policy like education and housing .
8 Madam Speaker I r the er honourable gentleman must have a rather er curious source for his statistics because what has actually happened is not merely that the government have protected the real value of the state retirement pension but the combination of our policies both in social security , in the pensions field and in the economic world have led to a position in which pensioners average real incomes have risen more than forty percent since this government took office .
9 On November 6th , MacDonald noted that the by-election results showed only that the Government would be defeated , not that an independent Labour Government would succeed it .
10 In early April it was reported locally that the government , as part of a proposed 15-point economic programme , was seeking to stabilize the economy without " shocks " , and to promote wide-ranging sectoral agreements to curb inflation ( still running at over 20 per cent a month ) while stimulating production and preserving jobs .
11 Their chief executive , Andy Barton , feels , with some reason one would have to say , that it is n't right that the government should bail out a competitor .
12 So it was n't the fact that he 'd cut back on government it 's just that the government came , the spending came at a different er point in the , in the political structure .
13 With opinion polls showing support for the party at its lowest mid-term level for decades , the common belief is not that the Government is out-of-touch or seen as tired and uncaring , but that it has n't gone far enough .
14 In July 1978 , he announced bluntly that the government would commit the unions to a pay-increase norm of just 5 per cent for the next twelve months .
15 The Department of Education and Science said yesterday that the Government had spent £19.7m on CTCs and there was a further planned expenditure over the next three years of £106.2m .
16 THE MANAGING director of Eurotunnel , Tony Ridley , made it clear yesterday that the Government is ultimately responsible for the Channel tunnel rail link and has a duty to see the project completed successfully .
17 Mr Duncan Nichol , the NHS chief executive , told the Guardian yesterday that the Government 's negotiating position is that it wants to split the service so crews with medical skills can earn extra money and non-emergency services can be contracted out .
18 With the call-up of the troops by Mr Kenneth Clarke , the Health Secretary , came fresh revelations yesterday that the Government wants to settle the dispute with a deal that would allow local managers to top up the pay of crews with special paramedical skills .
19 Downing Street announced yesterday that the Government will honour a pledge , given to Mother Teresa by Mrs Thatcher , to contribute £30,000 for furnishing the refuge .
20 In view of his admission some weeks ago that this Government have imposed the heaviest tax burden in British history , will the right hon. Gentleman now apologise for the Chancellor 's wholly inaccurate statement to the House yesterday that the Government have been cutting taxes ever since 1979 ?
21 SHOP stewards at Leyland-DAF 's Albion Works revealed yesterday that the Government has known of the truckmaker 's financial difficulties for a number of months .
22 The British Foreign Office said in London yesterday that the government remained keen to hold talks with China without preconditions over the plans for democracy .
23 NORMAN Lamont delivered a double whammy yesterday that the Government would have been proud to hang round the necks of its opponents .
24 Someone else got up to reply , with some indignation , and said that private individuals transported goods and passengers much more cheaply that the government could manage ; government garages were scrap-heaps for vehicles which any private individual could repair in half an hour .
25 He said also that the Government of Ireland Act 1920 would be on the table .
26 Social Security Secretary Peter Lilley said later that the Government had taken ‘ substantial measures ’ to help the Maxwell pensioners , including last week 's announcement of a £100m loan .
27 They show very clearly that the Government are ensuring that , while we may reduce the personnel numbers in our armed forces , we are increasing the relative proportion of funds spent on their equipment to ensure that in the future they have the equipment that they need to perform the tasks that we set them .
28 What has happened since December , leading to the Bill that we are debating , shows clearly that the Government were more interested in grabbing the headlines about repossessions than in taking any action to stem the flow of repossessions .
29 ‘ Nurses everywhere are working under intense and growing pressure and today 's announcement will be a heavy blow since it says clearly that the Government does not value their efforts and is not prepared to treat them with fairness or justice . ’
30 I can tell him frankly that the Government are not separatist .
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