Example sentences of "[adv] for [pron] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Luckily for him Alison did n't say ‘ Yours ’ .
2 Luckily for him Barry had n't been there .
3 Read on for me David will you David
4 I 've got Arthur on for you Bryn . .
5 I 'll put the kettle on for you Brian .
6 Read on for us Paul please .
7 Just read on for us James please when you 've finished yawning .
8 Read on for us Lena sixty two .
9 On another night , he went on for his Fred Astaire routine , after one of three ultra-quick changes , with his flies open .
10 Please would you include this in the What 's On for your June magazine .
11 that 's enough for me Clare the one on the right I 'll have , the slightly smaller one
12 Alas , that was n't good enough for our CAA .
13 Is the garage large enough for your BMW ?
14 So much for my Saturday .
15 When can I come down for it Dennis ?
16 That 'll do nicely for our Carl , that one .
17 So for me Aldershot method , cluster but most important was the thought patterns .
18 The Sabena flight out left Edinburgh well over an hour late , so I only had fifteen minutes or so for my Naples transfer at Brussels .
19 So for our Friday Feature we 're off to the Cowley Stadium in Oxford for a night at the dogs
20 Motorola Inc has put Intel Corp on the spot with its decision to price the first iterations of the PowerPC chip at $280 each for the 50MHz 601 and $374 each for the 66MHz 601 in quantities of 20,000 or more , since these are about half the prices Intel had pencilled in for its Pentium chips ( CI No 2,156 ) .
21 And when he and Hugh Paddick joined together for their Julian and Sandy routine — bravely supposedly using the names , and names only , of Julian Slade and Sandy Wilson ( writers of The Boy Friend and Salad Days ) — Williams and Paddick were giving new meaning to that word ‘ gay ’ , especially when they talked about the figure-hugging black number they had bought in Carnaby Street .
22 Holding his bat with the precision of a monk wielding a quill pen , he waited patiently for whatever Mafouz should deliver .
23 Just for our Craigy , I had an orange one and er another colour one and the orange one ran out the other day and he went potty .
24 And — despite the fact that their portraits were largely drawn by monks — they were men in a distinctively lay tradition : not for them Gerald of Aurillac 's yearning for the cloister ; though they might put their sword to the service of the church , they wielded it just as often for secular purposes and to gain renown .
25 A great many people seemed to be crowding in , presumably returning home for their Saturday half day .
26 Visitors will be charged £1.50 for admission and the Taste Sensation roadshow set off for its Blackpool location just days after being unveiled at Park Royal .
27 I do n't know our , our , very rare we 'll ring em John was down well the same day as she dropped that little potty off for our Kay
28 I 'll get a clean one Just turn that water off for us Jonathan ?
29 WASIM AKRAM grabbed six wickets to send Surrey crashing to a 96-run defeat at The Oval to set Lancashire up for their Benson and Hedges Cup semi-final at Leicestershire today .
30 There is no doubt in my mind that the many years spent wrestling indifferent cars around the track , trying to make up for what Lauda calls the ‘ evil ’ that dwells in all of them , must take its toll .
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