Example sentences of "[adv] that [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She reached for her pen and dipped it into the well so fiercely that when she lifted it a blot fell across the page .
2 He noted gloomily that when he dined with the King in May the Simpsons were both present , and that when another semi-political dinner party was given in July Mrs Simpson was announced in the Court Circular as being present alone without her husband .
3 And it 's going back to the point that Mr Curtis I think misunderstood me , that 's basically that if you concentrate new growth in one location you have the ability to plan to serve that development by public transport , whereas if you spread it out to all the points of the compass , you know , two hundred houses in one direction of York , two hundred in the opposite direction would become very mor more difficult to serve than would a concentrated er chunk of development , and that 's as simple as that .
4 As we have seen , Gandhi recognizes that no single religion can embody the whole truth , and that all particular religions contain errors since they are human constructs or formulations , but does it follow necessarily that when he speaks of Religion underlying all human constructs , or at the heart of all religions , he is referring to an ‘ essence ’ of an ‘ entity ’ or a ‘ primordial form ’ of religion after the fashion of Schleiermacher ?
5 When at times she is feeling particularly low and bereft , you might also remind her gently that although it seems that love has departed from her life altogether with the loss of her husband , this is not so .
6 erm especially that when you get those er notes from Haywoods Heath ,
7 Oh , she knew well enough that if he were to walk through that door now , she would not entertain him ; her pride would not let her .
8 Such an assumption is strong enough that when one comes across a response that is apparently irrelevant ( as ( ii ) overtly appears to be ) , an inference is triggered that would preserve the assumption of relevance .
9 And oh , we loved the intimacy of having them so close , close enough that when I rode my bicycle for ‘ Committee ’ through the ‘ vomitarium ’ separating one wedge of audience from the next I was able to steady myself by grasping the leg of a gentleman who had stretched it over the side .
10 I think the problem is perhaps that when we love that we no , we never love the same degree , the two people do n't li , love exactly the same way that in every relationship there is one who loves and one who is loved , one who kisses and one who is kissed and I think perhaps this balance if the relationship is weak , this kind of works it out that , that then they eventually split up , that one goes the other way and the ca n't stay together .
11 And strange to say , it had coal fires in the winter , huge coal fires to keep it warm , or attempt to do , and most of the classrooms were only divided by portable partitions so that while we went from class to class as the two or three years went by , it really was in one long building and quite adequate for the time .
12 I had become so eidetically adept that I could make these phantom partners mutate in mid-thrust , so that while I might penetrate a swivel-hipped virgin , clean and childishly scented , I would come in the flabby , dentureless , food-flecked mouth of an octogenarian .
13 Eliot now tended to be interested in anthropology mainly when it contributed to a Christian perspective , so that while he would maintain that ‘ the actual religion of no European people has ever been purely Christian , or purely anything else ’ since ‘ There are always bits and traces of more primitive faiths , more or less absorbed ’ , he became more and more interested in relating such faiths to Christian problems .
14 The most worrying aspect of all , for Corby , however , was that many parents felt they were kept in the dark about what was happening , so that while there were exceptions , and in some cases social workers had gone to great lengths to explain the system and the likely outcomes , in two cases the parents were not aware until later in the process that they and their children were the subjects of child abuse investigations .
15 Thus , if we operate on traditional assumptions about the nature of law we are left with a political strategy in relation to international law which assumes either that law is effective ( by definition ) or that it is potentially effective ( so that while it may not deserve the name ‘ law ’ it is at least potentially deserving of that description ) .
16 Monica will be alright she know 's what she 's doing , it 's just whether she has the time to do it , she would liked it if we had done this before Christmas , so that while you were away John
17 Repetition is likewise the musician practising her scales until she can be consistent every time , so that while she performs she can think about the music itself rather than the individual notes .
18 The South American porcupines ( below , left ) may not look as impressive as the great crested species from Africa ( below , right ) but their quills are sharply barbed so that once they have entered a predator 's flesh they can not easily be removed .
19 We will examine each of these misconceptions in turn , so that once we have torn away these layers of misunderstanding we can get to the kernel of doubt and see not only its dangers but its value .
20 Urine production naturally declines while the puppy is asleep , so that once it has been put outside at night , then the young dog should be able to last quite comfortably through to the morning .
21 And for the future i it is useful to have qualified staff so that whether they be technically qualified
22 Merchanting er , is the buying and selling of materials not the production of materials , and erm , I was probably the first person from this area , in the leather trade , to go to China and we started to do quite a large business with China , so that immediately I was on my own , the first big operation I took was to go to China and make very substantial purchases of pigskin leather .
23 To marry by special licence , and if necessary without her parents ’ permission , so that before I went away again we should have become one in body as we were in — dare I say spirit ? — at any rate , in mind .
24 So can you see it is vital that all of you keep your circulation going right and a good idea is to start it in bed so that before you get out and put weight on your limbs And the same with the rest of your body get your circulation going , get the joints doing a bit of movement and before you get up and give them the added job of bearing your weight .
25 that he thinks that erm of all of these forced motivations class interest is the most damaging and he argues there 's a remedy for this , we 'll see why it 's a remedy in a minute , that certain people ought to be given more than one vote so that although everyone should have some votes , not everyone should have the same number of votes .
26 So that although my native place is so beautiful , I am very much looking forward to seeing Swinging London . "
27 More frequently work in different media is split up into specialist studies , so that although there are general studies of Gauguin 's work , there are also specialist monographs on his prints , and on his sculpture and ceramics .
28 Seven had establishments under 200 , eight under 300 , and twelve over 300 , so that although there were no very small authorities in this group , training officers were not only found in large authorities .
29 But unlike Chomsky 's ideal linguistic competence , stylistic competence is an ability which different people possess in different measure , so that although there may be a great deal in common between different English speakers " responsiveness to style , allowance must be made for differences of degree and kind .
30 The reader may think that the result is already known , but all too often different populations behave in different ways so that although there may be an expected result to an investigation it will not be a foregone conclusion .
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