Example sentences of "[adv] it 's back " in BNC.

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1 But flippancy is better suited to selling food — so unless you buckle down it 's back to the Fission Chips account for you .
2 So it 's back inside the building , for almost two full days of theory .
3 So it 's back to the drawing-board , Paul , and I need those drawings like yesterday . ’
4 finally it 's back to the Manor Ground to pick the winners in our competition to pick the new Oxford manager … who better to make the draw than the new man himself
5 Meanwhile it 's back to the kitchen to bake another batch of cakes !
6 THE MOMENT Morrissey unfurled that Union Jack I knew he was in trouble , I assumed that the ‘ Is Morrissey A Racist ? ’ debate was a discredited old chestnut , but now it 's back , bigger than ever .
7 I now have a molecule of this there it was there again , now it 's back in again and out now they 're gone now they 're back !
8 it did n't even make it back in time for 1992 when there was no competition so now it 's back in the UK it is appropriate that Western can enjoy its company .
9 Now it 's back to stroke play as Gordon Fairweather makes another bid to put the family name back on the trophy , .
10 Now it 's back again , it says thirty plus thirty four .
11 This is particularly true , and actually is what I 'm leading to in this story is that three years later , when Robert Priest hit Esquire two years later , the Rolling Stone look was supplanted by the Esquire look in terms of popular design and imagination , and I remember people said to me ‘ well Roger what are you going to do , your style is out of date ’ and my reaction to this was ‘ well , hold on a second , it 's not my style for one , and number two this is just traditional style , this was never intended to be a trend ’ , and fortunately it 's sort of gone — right now it 's back — so Rolling Stone even picked up the format that , you know , the Morris–Jenson typeface that we did for headline and stuff , and it 's back in there .
12 So tomorrow it 's back to work , but for the rest of today we have no one to please but each other . ’
13 Well it 's back to the old confusion again , that we 've got this stupid sign here which can mean it 's a negative number or it can mean take away , and sometimes it does n't really matter which way we look at it .
14 She can have kids , that 's right and it 's also , well it 's back to his own his own fantasy child is n't it and th his own inability to have children with Martha .
15 A quick cure for lazyitis , please , and then it 's back on the road to the very top .
16 You ca n't sleep you 're actually providing your own sleep deprivation and you say hey , next thing you know I really will be falling down the stairs ! but he does n't seem to get the joke and then it 's back to the cell and then the interview room with the barred , opaqued windows so you ca n't see out and they switch on the tape-machine recording everything as usual and it 's getting more bizarre ; they get me to do a Michael Caine voice !
17 De Craon is snuffling about for the juicier morsels , then it 's back to Paris and heigh ho for Rome and our Holy Father . ’
18 ‘ Now , ’ he said , ‘ I am going to wash , shave , change my clothes and eat honest food , then it 's back to Woodstock , Ranulf , mounted and armed .
19 Then it 's back to Duns to get ready for our Summer Ball starting at 8.30 pm .
20 Then it 's back to Mephistco , to return the remote and sign out again .
21 Now if we get back to what we were talking about due to today so then you do a bit more and then it 's back to the sort of really .
22 Then it 's back up to the top one more time .
23 Then it 's back to the drawing board to start planning for next year 's show .
24 Cos it 's one over two , and then it 's back over one from
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