Example sentences of "[adv] it [be] his " in BNC.

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31 Well it was his doing so I suppose
32 Well , well it was his did n't she ?
33 If anything was guaranteed to dry up tears fast it was his manner .
34 Here it is his family , especially his grandfather , and his mentor Lyell , that indicate connections with movements of thought directly linked with fundamental social change .
35 Although surely it was his business , was n't it , trying to get Celia well , trying to find out what was causing , as Adams referred to it , her emotional and mental block ?
36 Surely it was his duty to be ? she told herself , not realising that at that very moment he was sitting listening to a paper being read at a learned society , his mind occupied with a particularly tricky question he intended to ask when the speaker sat down .
37 Luckily it 's his mum 's shoe , so he does n't mind .
38 Eventually it was his turn .
39 ‘ He was trying to explain to us how he feels about negotiations , how it was his feeling that in any country , even if there is war , there is time for negotiations .
40 Pavel Mukhortov , the Russian reporter who claims to have had a close encounter with extra-terrestrials He ( Nelson Mandela ) was trying to explain to us how he feels about negotiations , how it was his feeling that in any country , even if there is war , there is time for negotiations .
41 I remember Geoff telling me this , tears streaming down his face , marvelling at how it was his children who had the strength to carry on , and that it was they who had this practical , yet profound way of reaching to the heart of the matter .
42 He recounted how it was his standard lunch time practice in the 60 's to rush to places such as Ifton Colliery , St. Martin 's , near Oswestry to photograph their railways and to chat to some of the characters who operated them .
43 He was reduced in some intangible way : maybe it was his youth ; perhaps his essence had not yet unfurled to fill the room the way Francis 's used to .
44 Maybe it was his inflexion or the lilt of his accent , yet the remark sounded more like a statement than a question .
45 Within a minute the same Paul Cook was discharging another defence splitting ball , unfortunately it was his own defence and Mike could only beat out Martin Carruthers ' shot into the path of Mark Steen as we know .
46 To hold the view that an officer must only tender advice when it is sought from him is entirely erroneous , for indeed it is his duty to tender advice when he thinks it should be given .
47 Indeed it is his duty , and his duty alone , to communicate with the departments of the government on all matters affecting the policy of the council .
48 Indeed it is his duty on the one hand to die — yet on the other hand to live as long as he can , compatible with Chapter honour .
49 Indeed it is his support for Mosley , expressed on many occasions , which goes some way to account for the continuing neglect of his work by much of the literary establishment .
50 Not that she 'd be actually knocking on his door , of course — if indeed it was his door — but certainly that she was likely to meet him .
51 As Bowen ( 1985 ) has pointed out , the contribution of I. A. Richards is often ignored , yet it is his prescription for the ‘ close reading ’ of texts which is the basis of most school and university teaching of English today .
52 When he thought one might be possible , he was immensely sentimental , would give up everything for a lover ; yet it was his own exigence that made it difficult for anyone to live up to him , to match his quick apprehension , his wide range of interests , the fervour with which he experienced everything .
53 John was a cardmaker , and yet it was his good fortune to have depended on parish relief rather less often than some ; he and his family needed a brief period of support in the famine period of 1801–2 , when they were allowed 2s. a week , later reduced to 1s. , until payment stopped on 9 March 1802 .
54 His grey cloak was of pure wool pushed back over his shoulders , yet it was his face which attracted me .
55 Sandys persuaded his father , the Archbishop of York , that Hooker 's scholarship was being wasted as a country parson , and in 1585 he was appointed as Master of the Temple , in London , where it was his duty to minister to the lawyers of the Inns of Court .
56 And , with all due respect to the other players , it was , frankly , as well that he did , because time and again it was his superb displays that salvaged precious points for Palace against the odds ; points which , at the end of the season , made all the difference between survival and relegation .
57 Once again it was his self that he cultivated , rather than the seminarist 's vocation , and he was expelled in May 1890 .
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