Example sentences of "[adv] is very [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Two microscope slides can be placed together with water or oil between them to allow for easy movement across one another , but trying to pull them apart without sliding the surfaces together is very difficult .
2 This spacious house was built at the turn of the century of Aberdeen granite and has a most unusual roof structure which incorporates a domed tower — the tower bedroom below is very popular with guests .
3 The form of the melody of the Chopin Nocturne shown below is very common .
4 Our fee for this type of work would be based on time taken plus outlays and naturally is very dependent upon the number of companies in the sample .
5 Donning the black cap of death row and unfurling a banner reading ABANDON HOPE ALL YOU WHO ENTER HERE , he tells the twitchers ; ‘ The position we are in is very difficult .
6 Andrew Hall , British consul in Katmandu , said : ‘ Where the plane came down is very wild indeed .
7 That this is not so is very apparent from any number of reports which can not be dismissed as anecdotage .
8 I do n't think it matters much what you study , but I think to do so is very important in terms of promoting the power to think about issues .
9 Searching these databases manually is very time-consuming , and both LIMB and USER , at the earliest stage of their development , became computerized .
10 The agreement is again fairly good , given that the model output does not include organic peroxides and that hydrogen peroxide results from a radical-radical recombination reaction ( 5 ) and thus is very sensitive to the predicted HO 2 concentration .
11 The exemption in ( 2 ) above is very helpful , but it is not comprehensive .
12 Home is very important to McEniff , and home is Donegal .
13 It would be foolish to pretend that the evidence in favour of enforcing trusts for performance directly is very strong .
14 Oh no er necessarily not , because er depending on the details of the er formula that all the words that er come out of the discussions today , er it 's got to be discussed by the members at grass-roots level , and if we 're not happy with it , we will be sticking to the action er certainly up until when the ballot is taken and if it is voted against er any deal that is struck at the moment , we will continue the action , and I think this will be not only in Oxfordshire , but up and down the country , the strength of feeling nationally is very strong .
15 Er , of course er , Yeltsin does sometimes take own measures and that 's because the situation genuinely is very dangerous er and er , I think that everyone would agree that really .
16 Group pick up is very handy , if you 're with a large bunch of people in a large office , you can get together and say , ‘ Right , why do n't we answer everybody 's telephones if they 're not there , let's not just leave them ringing ’ , Okay , so you get together and you ask me and say , ‘ Right , this , this , this , this extension ’ , it could be up to 40 extensions , ‘ We all want to be in the same group pick up ’ , so what happens is the phone rings , but another one rings .
17 Track throughout is very weedy and the annual weed control train with the privately operated Class 20 's is due for the middle of the second week in August .
18 The acoustic in the solo works is a shade reverberant , and I 'd have liked a longer gap after the Concerto , but the recording quality throughout is very acceptable .
19 Gerd clearly is very apprehensive of this place , wo n't enter here , and if forced to do so the terrible event described in the next section occurs automatically , right in the doorway .
20 That 's is the erm the real world often is very vague , and it 's a great mistake to be clear about it , but on the other hand it means something .
21 When it is remembered that there are about 5,000 secondary schools the number opting out is very small .
22 Certainly the scheme you 've worked out is very cunning .
23 It now is very far inland .
24 Do , the doctor I have now is very good and very sympathetic !
25 She says it is going to be a struggle for her because it is quite a severe leg injury but she 's determined and what we 're looking at now is very good recovery so thpat should continue .
26 ‘ The likelihood of a collision now is very tiny , but nevertheless a remote possibility , ’ he said .
27 But the emphasis of our work has changed and the training that nuns are receiving now is very different from the formation I received , less concerned with education for liberation .
28 He paused , and I thought , what he 's going to ask me now is very important .
29 I think that people need to know what we are providing so we need to be monitoring , continually monitoring that this is actually at the times it 's meeting people 's needs and I 'm sure that we will be hearing from members if it was n't , and we 're not I mean it seems to me that the level of services provided now is very satisfactory and we should n't y'know , obviously give our officers support to continue .
30 The term has consistently been interpreted as meaning ‘ whatever here and now is very costly or very unusual or very painful or very difficult or very dangerous , or if the good effects that can be expected from its use are not proportionate to the difficulty and inconvenience that are entailed . ’
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