Example sentences of "[adv] in [noun] he " in BNC.

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1 When she remained stubbornly in place he grabbed her abruptly by the elbow , and she started back in fright , her eyes widening in alarm .
2 Paul saw this as a reproach to himself , as if he had not shown enough interest ; perhaps in fact he had not ; his heart had never been in it .
3 Mr Szuluc says his parents are pensioners who ca n't afford to clothe him , so in frustration he decided to stage a protest at his local DSS office in Stroud , stripping off in front of the other bemused claimants , and handing his borrowed clothes back to his brother .
4 So in July he announced to the American public : " we intend to honour our commitments " ( to West Germany and West Berlin ) and called for a build-up of American forces .
5 So in winter he kept a large torch to hand , in case .
6 So in fact he knew that he was known as the last resort
7 But , she was telling the story of a man who was travelling over the moor and it was many years ago on horseback and er he was completely lost and wan , it was getting dark and he wanted to stay somewhere for the night and he sort of travelled and could n't see anywhere and eventually down a long drive he saw a house wi , blazing with lights so he went down this house and er , all the windows were alight , you know were lit up and he knocked at the door and knocked at the door , and knocked at the door and could n't get any answer , no one ever came to the door so in desperation he thought well this is no good !
8 The reason why a release to one debtor releases all jointly liable is , because , unless it was held to do so , the co-debtor , after paying the debt , might sue him who was released for contribution , and so in effect he would not be released ; but that reason does not apply where the debtor released agrees to such a qualification of the release as will leave him liable to any rights of the co-debtor .
9 If she went down in trousers he would give one of those sardonic smiles .
10 He I 'm suppo he says to email him , contact him at the start of week zero , because he 's goin he he 's trying to remember of his own accord , but er ju this is just to give him a kick along in case he 's forgotten
11 He may have agreed that if the goods were in existence he would acquire the ownership of them and if they were not in existence he would get nothing but that in either event he would pay the price .
12 ( 4 ) If not in bonds he 's most likely to be a ‘ breaker ’ .
13 I do n't want him asking me questions like where I 'm going and stuff like that , just in case he tells Mr Jackson .
14 I dare n't drop him in , just in case he became a little less enthusiastic .
15 Just in case he 's sick , ’ she said , pointedly , indicating the package in the bottom of the bucket .
16 He carries a picture of wife Sarah and his two young boys , just in case he forgets what they look like !
17 Yet he still postponed a quick flight out of here , just in case he was involved in a sudden death play-off .
18 Both girls quickly turned their faces away , just in case he would want to take revenge on them later for having witnessed his humiliation .
19 And a bottle of wine , open one just in case he feels like a glass .
20 He had two spare hats in his room just in case he ever lost his usual one , or somebody stole it .
21 Just in case he met any of the Springall household he went down Friday Street , turning into Bread Street and back up St Mary Le Bow .
22 ‘ I 'm not sure what time he 'll be through with his meeting , but perhaps I 'd better get back to the hotel and show willing just in case he 's there . ’
23 ‘ Neither do I , master , but keep smiling just in case he changes his mind . ’
24 They say the servants prepare food and set his table every day in each of these houses just in case he arrives .
25 She hung around for a while , looking aimlessly into the shop windows , wondering if she should go and have a coffee in the Franz Joseph , just in case he was there .
26 But we 'll watch very carefully for the three Luxembourgs at the end of the week , just in case he 's planning a fresh revolt on the stage . ’
27 If I were you , though , I 'd get straight on home just in case he comes back .
28 And , as the lift doors opened , just in case he still had n't got the message , she gave him one furious push away from her and as he let go of her and went reeling backwards , ‘ Do n't you ever dare do that to me again ! ’ she flew .
29 ‘ I had ridden Ile de Bourbon for trainer Fulke Johnson Houghton in all of his home gallops and also won on the colt in the King Edward VII stakes at Royal Ascot but when Piggott asked me had the horse made any improvement from then and before the big King George race I had to tell him that I was unaware of it just in case he might want to take over .
30 Just in case he chucks some out .
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