Example sentences of "[adv] in [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 John of Salisbury [ q.v. ] , returning from Chartres to Paris in 1141 , sought him out in order to facilitate his own preparation for teaching ; he was thenceforward in close touch with Adam until his own departure from Paris in 1146 .
2 Wages were pitiful and despite recovering somewhat in certain sectors in the last years before the war , they remained very low .
3 The 1950s saw the birth of the New Novel , more or less in the coronation year of 1953 , with the first published fictions of Kingsley Amis , Iris Murdoch and William Golding : polemical still , but intent now on reviving a tradition of realism that had flourished first in eighteenth-century England , with Defoe and Fielding , and had faded somewhat in critical reputation in the inter-war years ; and a revived realism spread rapidly into theatre , with John Osborne 's Look Back in Anger ( 1956 ) and the first dramatic experiments of Harold Pinter .
4 Gillian Lacy and Roberto Mader 's Capoeira Quickstep is the most ambitious and also most disappointing of the collection , a ‘ fictional documentary ’ about the Afro — Brazilian dance-cum-martial art which sort of spins off from a relationship between a British girl and a Brazilian but meanders somewhat in sub-Terence Davies style without even coming up with much in the way of dance .
5 Both indices have weakened somewhat in recent months , however , a pattern consistent with the view that recovery has been delayed by political uncertainty and will occur once the election is out of the way .
6 Consequently , to maintain a constant level of satisfaction — or , what is the same thing , of dissatisfaction — with the health services , expenditure upon them ought relatively to increase somewhat in real terms .
7 Erm the parts of the country where things have been a bit flat seem to be the north and the south west and both of those are regions in which export orders received fell in the previous two surveys so that seems to be consistent although in the north they seem to have picked up somewhat in this survey erm and optimism is also erm er stronger in this survey than it was in the previous one .
8 Suffice it to say that there is good reason to believe that the original censuses in Numbers 1 and 26 set out the numbers of each tribe , somewhat in this form :
9 In one or other of these ways , seeds are usually produced abundantly in normal seasons .
10 Ken is now launching the Ulster Schools ' Jazz Orchestra , the first rehearsal of which will take place next Saturday at 2pm in Methodist College .
11 There was therefore an understandable reluctance to undertake regularly long voyages to windward in rough weather .
12 ‘ You know , seedlings survive better in stony soil .
13 That will help them cope better in mixed business situations .
14 Drugs always do better in nervous markets because people need them at least as much , if not more , when the economy is doing badly than when it starts to recover .
15 There is often no optimal design , treatment or solution ; better in one way means worse in another .
16 It is a decision that has , in principle , to be taken early on , so that the creative group can concentrate their efforts on the right type of ads — though because some creative ideas work better in one medium than another , the initial decision may be left more or less open .
17 PC WEATHERFAX — the best FAX system now even better in NEW Version 5
18 " Give him three ounces of this immediately in a pint of water , then follow it with one and a half ounces night and morning and let us know if he is n't a lot better in two days . "
19 Some birds may do better in that situation and some worse .
20 ‘ The politest thing one can say ’ , he said , ‘ is that that is the wisdom of hindsight by people who are not trained to know better in that area ’ .
21 I will refrain from the obvious comment , and merely state that Air Force food was usually good , if a bit basic , and we came off better in that department than civilians .
22 He could run and jump and climb much better in bare feet , and he could do it all without making a sound .
23 Mr Edmond Alphandery , a spokesman for the centre-right , says these firms would have done as well or better in private hands .
24 Better in many cases to stick the photographs in at the printing stage and have them done by traditional methods .
25 Miles better in 1990 Weekend attractions ..
26 However , they made flesh at the expense of milk : the breed does seem to milk better in harder conditions .
27 The FAO fears a mass extinction of native breeds which survive better in harsh conditions , and the loss of crucial disease-resistant genes .
28 Suppleness helps to keep you looking younger too as you will be able to move and walk better in later years .
29 Birds which are able to dive deeply , such as the auks ( razorbills , guillemots , puffins and black guillemots ) fared better in some areas but have had poor breeding success in others .
30 Do you handle these emotions better in some situations than in others ?
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