Example sentences of "[adv] to [be] a " in BNC.

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1 Henceforth to be a Christian is to be united to the risen Christ through the adoption of the Spirit .
2 He felt irretrievably alone and the woman beside him seemed suddenly to be a total stranger .
3 I have found that erm it seems basically to be a very pessimistic kind of fiction , more pessimistic than people have often given it credit for , largely because they tend to see , for example in Dashiell Hammett , who 's the author I 'm most interested in from this period , erm a precursor of a lot of heroes , private eyes , who were said to have a very kind of steely moral integrity , which they balance against a general corruption in the world outside , and it does seem to me that in fact with Hammett the detective mirrors the corruption of that world as much as he stands against it , so that it does seem to me rather pessimistic .
4 Admittedly in many of Petipa 's pas de deux he seems merely to be a porter .
5 if the return to Conservatism is to be something more than the transient apparition of a spectre from the past , and its voice in national affairs not merely to be a sepulchral warning against the dangers of rash courses , the Conservative leaders must bestir themselves to some purpose … [ the Conservative Party ] must be ready to meet the programme of the Labour Party not simply with a non-possumus but with an alternative which will in some measure satisfy certain of the needs which Labour is concerned to satisfy , and at the same time avoid the perils with which it insists Labour policy is beset .
6 However , I imagined that the praise I received that night was merely to be a preview of the steaming sauna of appreciation that I 'd receive after the first night .
7 It will also be granted if any defence raised is shown merely to be a delaying tactic .
8 Its 13 main business lines , each large enough to be a Fortune-500 company , have about as much in common as ice cream and cement .
9 They were great judges of character , and her analysis of Dana was : ‘ You are good enough to be a film star . ’
10 And anyway , you 're not strong enough to be a docker . ’
11 He 'd sailed these waters for six months and knew every reef and coral head shallow enough to be a threat .
12 The city traffic is distant enough to be a world away , so your meal will be served in almost perfect surroundings and will also be peaceful .
13 Just enough to be a real pain .
14 According to Sir Hector Laing , Chairman of United Biscuits : ‘ In a world where the large food companies are getting larger , backed by the cash resources of very rich large partners , it is not good enough to be a minnow : in order to compete internationally each company has to get bigger . ’
15 It was the band 's last date before cancelling the rest of their European tour due to Kurt Cobain 's ravaged voice and , although messy in places , their performance still heaved with a sometimes dangerous , sometimes carefree sense of abandon , enough to be a vivid reminder of just why this band had meant more than any other for years .
16 Just stupid and irritating enough to be a minor hit — but I doubt it .
17 The Annan Committee disliked this arrangement , for even the local newspaper publishers ' association itself did not think the amount of advertising likely to go to ILR was great enough to be a threat .
18 While these links involved the provision of some common services , they did not constitute chains in exactly the traditional newspaper sense , since the holdings were not in every case large enough to be a controlling interest .
19 Not enough to be a dealer , only enough for what the police termed ‘ personal use ’ .
20 Nobody doubts that , in principle , Europe is large and sophisticated enough to be a powerhouse of new technology , but the achievement of that goal can only be impeded by the cost of supporting agriculture ( which consumes resources and engages people in traditional , not novel , tasks ) .
21 Right they 're all different but they 're similar enough to be a bit confusing .
22 Satisfied but not human enough to be a sister , the woman held up a tiny version of the black box .
23 If the message you sent her was as cryptic as you said it was and she 's still managed to get here , she 's smart enough to be a danger to us . ’
24 Nicely dressed , but not expensively enough to be a client .
25 ‘ You must be looking forward to when you 're old enough to be a Brownie like your sister ! ’
26 ‘ Then you would n't have been tough enough to be a Corosini , ’ he replied evenly .
27 Sounds like ESP is certainly ambitious enough to be a Wood Group Company !
28 I am sure that he will wish to develop that issue in Committee , if he is fortunate enough to be a member .
29 Following the est the establishment of the public services section , I was lucky enough to be a delegate at the conference held in April .
30 But with the exception of a little doubt as to what the relatively vague adjective hardy might mean , the husband eventually proves a worthy man against all of these criteria : clever enough to be a successful merchant and therefore rich ; hospitable and generous ; and apparently able to fulfil his wife 's demands of him in bed .
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