Example sentences of "[adv] in her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He looked at her questioningly and Hari leaned forward eagerly in her chair .
2 A mindless litany repeated itself endlessly in her mind : ‘ Find Jeopardy , find Jeopardy . ’
3 He seemed to be talking to himself , and as he drew level he glanced suddenly in her direction .
4 Focusing resentfully on the dark , angular face , her heart had flipped over suddenly in her chest .
5 Nevertheless , when he shifted noiselessly and settled back in his chair she spoke , apparently in her sleep , murmuring : ‘ You wo n't go away ? ’
6 It must be explained that Kay Dick had published an article in which she stated that Ivy descended from Bishop Burnet and a Compton heiress from Wiltshire : ‘ the place was sold ’ , apparently in her grandfather 's time , according to this account .
7 He leant on the wall and surveyed the little Jersey chewing thoughtfully in her field .
8 ‘ Let's have a shower together , ’ he muttered thickly in her ear .
9 Lisa sat , her hands folded patiently in her lap .
10 The white calico drawers would be standard wear , laundered all together , and I knew , having realized that none of the patients wore their dental plates , that there was no place here for black lace with rosebuds — nor if I brought them would they be long in her possession .
11 The learner may even be ridiculed for taking too long in her care , and an attitude of ‘ why bother ? ’ will develop .
12 which curtsied gently in her hand
13 She had instinctive good taste , especially in her dress , and whatever the setting she always looked right .
14 She creates her own phrases , too , not least memorably in her mood-spinning 1983 autobiography , ‘ One Writer 's Beginnings ’ .
15 The memory of those twelve days of high summer and high Calvinism remained with her all her life , and was commemorated annually in her diary .
16 As one further measure of the rapport that was established , most respondents eventually became assured enough in her presence to express their feelings about being the subject of research .
17 God , she was bad enough in her shell suits .
18 The jury that awarded her £600,000 may also have thought she had suffered enough in her life , he said .
19 There was little enough in her life that she could honestly say was exciting , but that morning she was a little nervous , and , yes , a little excited .
20 Nevertheless , the facts of the case were now plain enough in her spread : Madcap Agnew remained as much alive inside them as did the glorious seventeenth-century adept of the Art .
21 By the delicacy of her person and the brilliancy of her eye she had tinder enough in her constitution to catch a well struck spark and I trusted I should know how to set her ablaze in a few months more .
22 The place itself was clear enough in her mind , there had been no surprises when she walked up the path and entered the small high room .
23 When she 'd finished she got her bag and anorak , checking that she had enough in her purse for bus fare , and let herself out the kitchen door .
24 Not easy — Sukey 's charm was all in her colouring .
25 I then suggested that she take small steps , one at a time , further into the depths of the cupboard — remembering that this was all in her imagination and that she was still feeling totally relaxed .
26 An incessant internal monologue occupied her most of the morning , during which , by turns , she tried to convince herself that Fen 's effect on her was all in her imagination or berated herself for being fickle .
27 Perhaps it had been all in her imagination , fuelled by her own desires .
28 Alone in her agony , she had vowed that the responsible bastard would go short …
29 Alone in her head , as he moved in and out of her , she brooded .
30 She was sick like the pretty lady in the film who went bravely on until she died all alone in her bed rather than compel her beloved family to share her pain .
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