Example sentences of "[adv] and he go " in BNC.

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1 Yet this ‘ black and white ’ approach is not enough and he goes further : each text , Asheim argues , should be assessed as a whole — to do otherwise would be fair neither to the book nor to the author .
2 there was this witch doctor and Scooby Doo was — he was standing by the witch doctor and the witch doctor went in and he went — he went chasing him Scooby Doo went in the cupboard with Shaggy and got some clothes on and they were acting on and then the witch doctor pressed the button and they turned on again then and then Scooby was acting and then they just take him and he keeped on switching it until they all came round and the all clothes fell off him .
3 So he 'd been to the doctors about few weeks ago and he 'd been repairing his shed , said there was water coming in and he went to he said oh you 've pulled a ligament or something he said , it 'll take weeks for it to clear up but anyhow he went back again about a fortnight ago .
4 Yeah but the new rules for our age group is you have half of the scrum and then you have the scrumhalf and he puts the ball in and he goes back to his side does n't he ?
5 No he came over to the study , he came over to the study and he said er he comes in and he goes
6 And he clips them in and he goes all over the cars .
7 we followed him over to Albans and I walked in and he goes , he goes oh it 's my disciples
8 After qualifying as an apothecary in 1832 , he was appointed medical officer to the General Hospital in Bath , where he spent three years before his health broke down and he went to London for an operation .
9 I met Jack Mason , as arranged , shortly after ten o'clock and he went through his customary practice routine .
10 And , as they come out of the water the fa , the bible says the spirit takes Philip away and he goes down now to so to Somaria and and he starts preaching there in Somaria a and there 's this tremendous result !
11 and he 's sitting outside and he goes , he 's mum goes well he 's been out there two weeks and he 's still stood there in the same spot and he 's going like that
12 And erm , he throws the corn on the cob , he goes inside gets a drink , eats some food cos there 's loads of food cos you know and he goes outside and he goes quick , quick , quick loads of food , loads of food , quick , come on , come on , come on , loads of food !
13 And I went oh God , that 's probably cos it did n't happen like this and he goes oh right and he goes yeah got a bit excited there for a minute did n't you son like and went er yeah well Andy I like , quite like him , he 's quite sweet but
14 The next day , which was the Friday , O did n't work and he did n't eat ; he woke up late , stayed in bed until it was dark , got up at nine and dressed in his white shirt just like always and he went to The Bar looking for his heart 's desire one very last time , and that was the night that he met Boy .
15 She beckoned to him mysteriously and he went up to her .
16 The Bushman was following it , but suddenly he swerved aside and he went off in another direction and I followed him , although I could clearly see the buffalo hoofmarks leading off in the opposite way .
17 Yeah , and the teacher says tell me A B C and he goes fuck off and he goes and she goes how dare you speak to me like that !
18 What 's that film this guy goes round and he 's re really pissed off and he goes into this er he goes into yeah ,
19 I were on phone to her and Michael took the phone off and he went Shelley , she said what ?
20 But , oh he 's quite happy , he 'll curl up in the back of a car , but when I come home and he goes so berserk if I 've left him at home , I know that he 's been watching and listening and waiting for me all that time .
21 and then and then I was going yeah I really want to take , I 'll have to take my stereo home and he goes yeah your stereo 's quite big is n't it , I went when have you seen my stereo and he goes oh I came up the other day to see if you were in .
22 And he gets up and he goes get off !
23 We left there , we left about half five , six in the morning did n't we and we were getting lost in and we knew it was in the village in that town but we could n't find it and we kept getting lost so we all pulled her up and he went back and he said to this man can you tell me where the
24 It 's a mystery to , you know , we were just sitting and he walked up and he went Andy , you 're a fucking cunt !
25 All I can think of is not wakening the baby , so I say OK and he goes ahead .
26 Yes , it 's not like he 's going , he 's , he 's going faster than this geezer , he 's not , he 's getting a drag from him , then all of a sudden he comes out and he goes faster you think , explain a little bit more on the old .
27 I got my first into the sea close off Sliema and the second was on the way out some miles further out and he went in without a top wing .
28 A girl and her boyfriend had fallen out and he went round to her house the next evening to apologise , taking his dog with him for the walk .
29 just gets to the side of the barn when he coming back out and he went into reverse .
30 The gentleman 's face lit as his smile came out and he went towards the bed with the intention of grasping the veined hands held out towards him .
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