Example sentences of "[adv] and [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 I used to bring down quilts and my machine was n't big enough and in any case I could n't possibly lift them once they were
2 But then , suddenly and without any warning , the army opened fire .
3 This change was made , for a transitional period , administratively and without any new legislation , presumably because of the difficulty of finding time in the parliamentary timetable to amend the 1958 Act .
4 Mrs Moore soon abandoned her pretence as chaperon — encouraged by the unexpected surliness of Colonel Hope who seemed , to her and her ward , in a mood unlike any other they had found him in and unlike any they could previously have invented for him .
5 The syndicat very quickly established a reputation for acting firmly , swiftly and in any country , in defence of Champagne .
6 Otis Ferguson thought the only real social comment concerned the unemployed and they were rather haphazardly brought together and in any case upstaged by a boy-girl-siren triangle hung on ‘ the back of such an old love nag as even Hollywood might be ashamed to take out for a canter ’ .
7 The possibility of Japanese defence forces taking over after the peace treaty was opposed by MacArthur : it would be a violation of existing commitments , would be contrary to SCAP policies hitherto and in any event could not transform Japan into a significant military power .
8 For the past decade , at least , it has been recognised that quality exists above and beyond any guide 's objective star rating .
9 They stand above and beyond any particular attempt , papal or otherwise , definitively to interpret them .
10 Notice this latter illustration concentrating on the externals of a still picture and then having selectively to use a ‘ public voice ’ , carried less risk of inadequate work than if the group had gone straight into dramatic playing , a mode which is often used indiscriminately and without any kind of rigour .
11 This demise shall not confer upon or be deemed to include ( by implication or otherwise ) in favour of the Tenant any right of light or air liberties privileges easements or advantages ( except such as are specifically granted in this lease ) in through over and upon any land or premises adjoining or near to the demised premises .
12 The snag with this is that it is often impossible to avoid the triggering events altogether and in any case it might be better to face them squarely and control your reactions to the events rather than the events themselves .
13 Sir Cyril Philips 's Commission observed that there was a ‘ lack of clarity and an uneasy and confused mixture of common law and statutory powers of arrest , the latter having grown piecemeal and without any consistent rationale ’ .
14 She spoke quietly and politely and without any sign of showing off .
15 The second noteworthy feature of AJR procedure is that Ord. 53 r.4 imposes a very short time-limit in which an AJR must be made : subject to a discretion to extend the period , the application must be made promptly and at any event within three months from the date when the grounds for the application arose .
16 The major exceptions are ties such as ‘ 1+1 ’ , ‘ 2+2 ’ ( in other words any number added to itself ) which are solved quickly and without any adding on of steps .
17 It was n't only goats that would struggle up and over any obstacles in their paths !
18 There were weaknesses — batteries were neither so good nor so light as they are today and in any case this was the first step .
19 Immediately and without any explanation the screen darkens and the deafening strains of ‘ Bye Bye Blackbird ’ burst from the speakers .
20 The case for using a Central Authority as a transmitting agency rests on the argument that the familiarity of its officers with the system of the Convention and with the practice of other countries would ensure that requests which it prepared or approved for transmission were in order and so would be handled expeditiously and without any need to refer a request back for clarification .
21 Emphatically and without any question this is so .
22 5.4 If any of the circumstances specified in clauses 5.1 , 5.2 and 5.3 or if the Tenant fails to comply with [ its ] obligations under clause 6.5 then and in any such case this agreement shall ( save for clauses 3.8 and 5.5 and without prejudice to any pre-existing right of action of either party in respect of any breach by the other of [ its ] obligations under this agreement ) immediately determine and cease to have effect and neither party shall be under any further liability to the other under this agreement
23 I tucked the binoculars into the holdall again and without any sensible plans wandered back towards the dining car .
24 If you go round and round any more I might have to prescribe some medicine for you . ’
25 This is because the anthropology which they used and reinterpreted was part of a much wider work which went beyond and across any disciplinary boundaries .
26 In a letter to Arthur Greeves , he said that Warnie and Mrs Moore liked each other , ‘ and , I hope , as W. gets broken into domestic life , they may come to do so still more : but in the interval mere is a ticklish time ahead and in any case it is a big sacrifice of our …
27 Saleh visited Saudi Arabia on Feb. 25 and held talks there with King Fahd , who said that he backed Yemeni unity " absolutely and without any reservations " and gave it his personal blessing as well as that of the Saudi people and government .
28 They will never and under any circumstances be the first to use armed force against each other or against third states …
29 ‘ The Enterprise ’ was a fine label for the monster as far as Hakim was concerned , because it was a business generating a particularly arcane and subtle set of accounts ; but for North this was ‘ Project Democracy ’ , available anywhere and at any time for freedom-fighters of any description .
30 Accidents can occur anywhere and at any time .
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