Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] if " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Go inside and see if you can find a light .
2 Why not try and turn your thoughts outwards and see if there is someone else in the same position as yourself — what can you do to help that person feel more comfortable ?
3 Answer yes or no to the statements below and see If it helps you to uncover the reasons for your family relationships — be they bad or good .
4 Look at the transcriptions of a number of words given below and see if you can work out ( for the accent in question ) the environment in which [ ] is found .
5 I went in , explained the position I was in and asked if I could see one of the rooms .
6 A young man came in and asked if he could help with distribution .
7 I went into the van where the people were booking in and asked if there was any chance of me having a go .
8 So , I was very disappointed , and on the way back to catch the bus on Parliament Street , I passed erm a shop called Jowers which was next to the Corner Pin , and er er although I was very nervous , I went in and ask if they wanted a tailoress .
9 Do n't be tempted to lie in and snooze if you 've had a bad night .
10 I was passing when I saw the gates not shut properly , so I thought I 'd best come in and see if everything was all right at the house … ’
11 Let's have a look in and see if your brains are expanding or what 's happening in here .
12 I 'll take that in and see if I can get one fitted .
13 ‘ Do you want to go in and see if any of your family are there ? ’
14 You used to look in and see if he was awake .
15 We 're just by an inn now — the Half Moon — and I 'll go in and see if they 've got a conveyance of any sort .
16 I 'll go in and see if Jack 's still there .
17 Mum and Dad were dozing in their chairs but Dad opened his eyes as I sat down and asked if I 'd enjoyed the picture .
18 Kolchinsky sat down and asked if Mobuto minded if he smoked .
19 They will be increased if the rate goes down and reduced if the rate goes up .
20 It 's floating poke it down and see if it 'll reach , it 'll go to the bottom , that 's it it 's on the bottom , oh no it jumped up , it 's a definite floater that one .
21 Afterwards , George asked me to come down and see if I could talk some sense into you .
22 ‘ I 'd best go down and see if I can help , I suppose . ’
23 I 'll have words with Sharon on Monday and er , oh I ca n't , yes I can on Monday I 'm having my hair cut later , but I can come up about nine o'clock and see if she 's here .
24 I 'd like you to look along and see if they go to that line and stop and they g you can see some over here .
25 ‘ Would you like me to pop along and see if she 's finished ? ’
26 See the thing is , what they 've said to me , because I 've been away now for nearly two years erm I 'd have to go back and do all the training again , which is a bit of a pain but its not too bad because I 've done it before sort of thing , she said to me oh yeah when you go I , I might come along and see if I like it , and we can do the training together she said , I manage to put her off that idea , manage to talk her out of that .
27 Harry and Fleury conferred about this problem and decided that they would club together and see if they could afford to buy some hermetically sealed provisions when there was an auction , though with the prices that food fetched now in private barter they were not very hopeful .
28 When you have an unidentified body and a missing man it 's straightforward police work to put them together and see if they fit .
29 well we 'd better pull ourselves together and see if we can put this right !
30 During the construction of the nest , the male is intolerant of his mate and she will be chased away and butted if she becomes too inquisitive .
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