Example sentences of "[adv] of the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 More surprisingly , sometimes a trough develops at about the same position , 15 degrees upstream of the mountains : and this pattern also persists for many days or weeks .
2 However with 95% ile river flow upstream of the wroks discharge of 77.9 l/s ( ref 1990 Report by Almond Study Group ) giving a dilution ratio to dwf of 2.5 and a Class 4 classification the FRPB propose to impose higher consent standards .
3 Vincent spoke almost enviously of the miners ' darkness , and the chance it gave them to reclaim the light .
4 He did not make it obvious , but he led the conversation , changed topics when he thought it needed it , enquired robustly of the lawyer certain things , and more gently of the females , as if to bring out gems of information they had stored in their pretty little heads .
5 This very high participation rate was due to the fast turnover in membership , especially of the chairmen , who were very poorly paid in a time of rapid inflation .
6 Elsewhere in England , enclosure — especially of the heaths and common pastures — had the opposite effect .
7 She was shaking with weariness and she was a little scared of these new people , especially of the men .
8 In order to do justice to the Jesus of history , one must effectively divest oneself of preconceptions — and especially of the preconceptions fostered by subsequent tradition .
9 In this year the course was back to full length and the closure of Peppard helped swell the membership , especially of the Artisans .
10 Wycliffe looked about him and approved , especially of the walls which , in some past time , had been stencilled with designs that were mildly but cheerfully crazy so that to look at them for long made the eyes go funny .
11 One of the last extant reports of the SD agency in Schweinfurt , from May 1944 , attributed the defeatist attitude of the population , especially of the workers , directly to the effects of the bombing .
12 Accessory male organs are sometimes important in identification , especially of the trichostrongyloids , the two most important being the spicules and gubernaculum ( Fig. 6 ) .
13 To help the courts in sentencing decisions , the Government also proposes that the legislation should place a new duty on the Secretary of State to inform the courts annually of the costs of implementing penalties …
14 The weeping aloud of the relatives turns to melancholic songs in the local Quechua dialect , Zacarías Ceonocc Huayhua … sings words of grief to his wife whom he has just recognized . ’
15 Second , the political response to a rapid deterioration in the economy implies a greater probability of a coup d'état or a battening down of the hatches by the government .
16 And he insists that the writing down of the sounds and patterns is important , even at the most elementary stage .
17 It was not only that , by 1837 , the structure and contents of houses had begun to change as a result of early mass production , but that society itself had undergone a ( technically ) peaceful revolution , incidentally undermining the consensus that the middle-class house was a scaling down of the houses of the great .
18 Into the nineteenth century , as I have mentioned , I middle-class houses were regarded as a scaling down of the houses of the great , while a majority of novels still referred themselves to the dominant mansion at their centre .
19 Because such houses set the standard , those who write upon architecture in the eighteenth century and Regency invariably regard houses of moderate size for more limited means as a scaling down of the houses of the great .
20 Indeed , he states quite unequivocally , ‘ in such dwellings every labourer ought to live , and any nobleman might live ’ In the following decade , Pugin also enquires why the middle-class dwelling should be regarded as a scaling down of the houses of the great , for ‘ the smaller detached houses which the present state of society has generated , should possess a peculiar character : they are only objectionable when made to appear diminutive representations of larger structures ’ .
21 we 've just , we 've just ordered the forth polar , er the the forth Trident submarine as the er you know , the the the , the slimming down of the armies yet to take to effect .
22 The first change they noticed as a result of the Revolution was the indiscriminate and wasteful hacking down of the woods by the peasants : large trees had merely been deprived of their thinner branches .
23 The shutting down of the motors was lost in the roar of louder engines .
24 Commercial growing of trees has been touted as a potential answer to the cutting down of the rainforests , but the pressure group says it could lead to monocultures with little ecological diversity .
25 Er now after about two years , er you got more proficient and then , of course , you could also help with the stripping down of the waggons .
26 Most early law was declared in councils of the Church and notaries were officially charged with the copying down of the decrees or acts .
27 The bogging down of the tanks in the mud reminds one of the immobilization of the helicopters of the master of Saddam in Tabas .
28 It was the writing down of the poems of Homer and Hesiod that led scholars to ask , for the first time apparently : ‘ How far was the information about their gods and heroes literally true ? ’ .
29 Although not the same , a discussion , perhaps of the feelings of helplessness in the hands of the professional , can be useful to enable the trainee adviser to empathise with clients .
30 Initiation into his high-hab brat gang did not involve mutilation , except perhaps of the emotions .
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