Example sentences of "[pron] think that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We brought the figure down having at le , and waited two years and that 's th , I think that proves the lad 's foundation to the argument of how desperate the fire service need , need this station and it has absolutely nothing to do with Dovelands school er er whatsoever as far as I 'm concerned , I 'm the spokesperson for public protection not education and that 's it and er I 'm surprised er er that I know erm er er that Mr is is a very , very good supporter of the er southern fire station and supported us in the er in the er question we asked at the last council er meeting and er I 'm surprised he has n't spoke or even Mr who er , who likes to s , who likes to speak in the chamber but I 've has n't supported the fire station .
2 Erm erm can I just say , just on the on the basis of Mr 's map erm I think that proves the point that er that I suggested at the outset of the discussion erm on this issue , that if you look at the distribution of settlements there outside the greenbelt , there 's nothing there that suggests that any of the particular sectors ought to be discounted .
3 I think that taking the mickey out of them .
4 It 's just I do n't feel the need to have them round me any more , and I think that suits them and it 's silly to make them pretend the contrary . ’
5 and my heart went some where else and I think erm , the , the marriage erm , the love in my marriage was definitely killed by an act which my partner did and I would fall into the crimes of passion I think because I mean to , to me he committed the deadly sin of all and that was adultery and I could never forgive him for that and I think that picks up on a lot , many issues which have been raised tonight about you have to have trust in a partnership , you have to give and take and people change and some people can accept all that but I was not willing to do so .
6 I think that takes courage and I personally like that a lot in him .
7 and I think that looked a nicer length
8 I think that given that University work is supposed to encourage intellectual activity at the highest level of which any individual is capable it is very important to increase motivation by allowing those individuals to proceed at their own pace and to establish their cognitive frames as and when they feel capable of doing so .
9 I think that given that you were er , you could n't find the basic book that you were expected to read , I thought you , you gave an excellent account of it , I mean , if you had n't told us that you had n't got the book , I do n't think we would have guessed , would we ?
10 we actually ended up with a lot more I P R people and we 'd done all the work and they got most of the money now that 's fine that 's the way life goes sometimes , but I must admit I think that depending on how big an event you want to make it you 're maybe as well to keep it an B A I E event and open it up quietly at the end
11 The Corn Exchange er oh public relations well I think that speaks for itself .
12 Well they do , several of our players have erm had seven day notices put on them , but fortunately , only one has left , so erm I think that speaks erm quite a lot for the erm players and for myself and the job we 're doing .
13 Yeah page seven er er I think that speaking from memory we did want that made clear that that er was the recognition of the achievements of the groundsman handyman , particularly in relation to the high standards of upkeep in the park .
14 Oh I mean many of them were taken out of a book which had in the front price five and sixpence so a so I think that went very well and er I mean Jack was much encouraged by it so much so that he 's going to actually offer to do it for another organisation that he 's connected with
15 I mean , I think that came through the meeting .
16 Erm so on that one that 's , that 's you did n't use any slang , the belief in the way you asked I think that came out , I was trying to be a prospective client rather than be the trainer cos I could see that Mike was uncomfortable and I was trying to , well okay , how , how would I well I think yeah there was a belief that you had there , I think he was er reasonably attentive , Mike , to your response ?
17 But I think that came through in this morning 's conversation .
18 I 'm the only one who 's ever been mayor in his twenties , and I think that came about probably because the family had been in the town since the beginning of the century erm and I 'd been involved in local politics since about eight or nine , taking numbers on polling stations and so on , and so when I got elected to the Council I think one or two people at any rate felt that it was quite natural that I should have the opportunity fairly soon .
19 Yes , I was the youngest ever Mayor of Lewes by a clear ten years , I 'm the only one who 's ever been Mayor in his twenties , and I think that came about probably because the family had been in the town since the beginning of the century , erm and I 'd been involved in local politics since about eight or nineteen , I was on polling stations and so on .
20 Erm we have always out any er leaflet erm clearly so that people to put their names on the register erm that is a statutory responsibility erm the expenditure in excess of what we had er done in the past is actually going to be a very very small amount of one officer 's time in redesigning the leaflet erm otherwise the expenditure will remain as it , as it always has for all intents and purposes and I think that answers your question if clearly you have problems about getting people on the electoral register that means there 's something about your own electoral .
21 Another thing is , in prison you mix with everyone , and I think that made me worse as well .
22 I think that made it worse , my dad said you ca n't mix , in this world , you should have white , Indian and black .
23 I came in knowing that that was going to happen , so erm yo I think also I had the the freedom that I had chosen to live there , and I think that made erm the difference .
24 Well er I think that getting away the oh you live in Nottingham , oh fancy that you know , you , you know where you 're starting , you know , everyone either works for Boots or used to work for Boots and , you know , you 've got a rough idea , you , you , you do n't need to go into the oh fancy that you know , all that 's arranged so erm I think i i it 's , i i i it 's the middle of September when we either go to Los Angeles , I think we go to Los Angeles , and fool around Hollywood and San Diego and places and down to see a and then away off to erm Las Vegas and Flagstaff you know about this meteor crater in Flagstaff , that apparently is why you go to Flagstaff tt a meteor came , the meteor crater is there tt and then the Grand Canyon and go through national park which San Francisco and erm spend erm two or three days there and then come back again .
25 For example , ‘ Thank you , I think that tells me all I need to know about your previous jobs .
26 I mean the fact you can do things and , alright you have n't got the upkeep if repairs need doing but I think that keeps you going .
27 I think that to support this motion would be extremely unfortunate and would lead to potential disaster , not for the county council but indeed for the Highfields community .
28 I trained as a lawyer and I think that helps .
29 ‘ He has talked to me about what happened , and I think that helps .
30 Then she added in a confiding tone : ‘ Of course , she was not much with her husband really — and I think that helps — she is n't reminded of him at every turn , like an ordinary widow would be . ’
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