Example sentences of "[pron] must be some " in BNC.

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1 We had three managers in one day , which must be some sort of record .
2 Mutis ' volumes began to come out only in 1954 , which must be some kind of record ; in this case the explanation was the various political vicissitudes of the century and a half following his death .
3 If you join someone else 's , you must be some kind of sadist . ’
4 There must be some affinity between you and the man or woman on the printed page — something that you recognise not because you are ‘ just like that ’ but because you feel that you can interpret the situation with those words .
5 ‘ Look , ’ she then began by saying , ‘ there must be some sort of council accommodation for people like you .
6 There must be some question as to how reliable the East German troops would be in such a situation , bearing in mind that most of them are conscripts , and that about 30,000 of them have recently been released from military service to man understaffed factories .
7 But , with simultaneous political vacuums this weekend in Prague and East Berlin , there must be some apprehension as to what may happen if either or both implodes .
8 It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world , without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace … there must be some agreement among the countries of Europe as to the requirements of the situation and the part those countries themselves will take in order to give proper effect to whatever action might be undertaken by this government .
9 ‘ There is no choice but to take an ugly and difficult decision to avert an even greater injustice , and those who cry halt and say there must be some other way , even though every conceivable way has been sought , would carry the responsibility for the even more catastrophic consequences of inaction , ’ he added .
10 .. I do n't know what this is founded in , but I believe that there must be some kind of basic system of balance , where everything 's weighed up and when all the pain we 've created in the world gets salved because we live again .
11 There was a silence , then : ‘ I think there must be some misunderstanding . ’
12 There must be some other way of identifying him , ’ I said .
13 He pleaded , hardly sounding like the tough guy the public identified him with , ‘ Surely there must be some way for a person falsely accused of disloyalty to clear his name once and for all ?
14 There must be some way he could clamber up out of this pit .
15 There must be some method of edging it round the corner , ’ said Ludens .
16 I do believe there must be some prejudice , though nobody will ever admit it .
17 ‘ One day he will learn better about us , but in the meantime there must be some other place for us .
18 There must be some mistake , I saw him only ten days ago .
19 However , there must be some reservations about Scarman 's reformist programme .
20 Although it was always assumed that the Urban Programme would aim to initiate innovative projects , there must be some doubt whether this has always happened .
21 Key to this stage of planning is the acceptance ( once again ) that there must be some time limits given to each ‘ activity ’ , or the whole project will become lopsided and wo n't be completed in time .
22 That means that there must be some slack in the system , and the government will ensure that this is so by continuing to cash limit the NHS in total .
23 I suppose there must be some records in a dusty file somewhere of how often the ground crews lost the race against time and had the aircraft and bombs blow up in front of them , but as far as I can recollect this never happened at Bourn , at least not while I was there , and we were thankful to get through each busy night without catastrophes of that kind .
24 First , it means that there must be some form of cost/benefit analysis , however distasteful it is to assign money values to life or ill-health .
25 Since plateaux do appear , as Figure 2 shows there must be some mechanism working to prevent this smooth movement of E F from one Landau level to the next .
26 IN THE longueurs of the Sizewell B inquiry , now retained by public demand at The Maltings in Snape for a long run , there must be some lighter moments or the people concerned would have run screaming into the sea at Aldeburgh by now .
27 There must be some hidden sexual factor involved , as though the soft-furred ( and therefore sexy ) cat has come to stand for sexual violence and rape , via its savagely sharp claws and canine teeth .
28 There were guys at the factory that Anton liked ; in a place with some fifty men , there must be some you like .
29 ‘ So there must be some other reason you changed yer time off .
30 If we are to pay out a large sum to cover the last cargo there must be some corroboration .
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