Example sentences of "[pron] down to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For such particles , tachyons , infinite energy would be required to slow them down to light-speed .
2 Remove old , unproductive fruit trees by cutting them down to shoulder height before using the stump as a lever to help dig out all the roots .
3 An hour later , as he drove the pair of them down to Oxford , Lewis felt strangely content .
4 ‘ If I was to praise the girls in the post office , being Irish they would have to cut them down to size , ’ Moran argued .
5 Girls can be praised for paying boys back in their own currency , for cutting them down to size , or for challenging the male domination of the music business .
6 She does n't avoid the painful issues that divide us — but , as few writers can , she makes us laugh at them and bring them down to size .
7 I took them down to Paradise Park for sexing .
8 ‘ Shall I bring them down to Water Gypsy this evening , or will you come up to Chimneys to see them ? ’
9 Director Roger Pomphrey 's documentary crew filmed UB40 at home in Brum and followed them down to London with their families and friends .
10 We now have 13 real ( if you see what I mean ) teams + the ‘ Cheats ’ a ‘ Rejects ’ 11 of ex Leeds Players , and a current Leeds United 11 ( Mark S , I have made slight changes to your selections to get them down to 20M . )
11 While there are problems in the class , … when I looked at the programme I could see that problems that are caused because you are not explaining yourself , you are not getting them down to work , they do n't understand what they 're doing .
12 Thousands of students , particularly from Beijing , were sent to undertake ‘ social practice ’ during the summer vacation in the hope that contact With ‘ real life ’ would bring them down to earth and give them a more realistic assessment of society .
13 The illegal payments scandal brought them down to earth with a bump and down into the 3rd division .
14 We 'll have to say sorry Bill you know w send them down to Dave if Dave 's got time to pull 'em in he will do , if not we 'll you know we 'll have to reply negative .
15 We took them down to Max 's Kansas City and gave one to Micky Ruskin the owner , we gave one to the DJ ; and we gave one to Lisa Robinson , the reporter .
16 She believed cheap clothes could be made elegant by paring them down to essentials .
17 He ai n't putting them up is he take them down to Helen 's then some lovely decorations we 'll ask him for them Helen .
18 ‘ I played soccer all the way through school and never entertained the thought of rugby until a couple of friends took me down to Preston Grasshoppers .
19 Afterwards , when I would have preferred to stay and stare at Agnes , he took me down to King 's Wharf near the Vintry and into a small ale house which stank of carp and salt .
20 They invited me down to Cincinnati , Ohio , to observe networked computing — or personal computers which are linked together so that information can be transferred from one to another .
21 Such ruthless honesty certainly cuts me down to size , ’ he said idly .
22 Well my other car is a nineteen twenty nine V six Bentley , which will do a hundred mile an hour , so if I drive them alternately it cuts me down to size .
23 Jamie walks me down to Brockley Cross , inhaling fresh air through his nostrils like Islanders sniff cocaine .
24 He took me down to London and I went and did an audition and I first appeared at what is now the Shaftesbury Theatre at the top of Shaftesbury Avenue .
25 ‘ Alcohol did me the greatest favour , which is that it brought me down to earth .
26 ‘ Perhaps you could help Cook to wash up , ’ she suggested , bringing me down to earth with a bang .
27 We shall contrive some way however to get me down to Maitland town and the end of the week , when I shall make my way to Hobart Town the best way I can .
28 Perry directs me down to Euston Road and forgets to mention the turnoff , causing me to make a rather dangerous and illegal U-turn at King 's Cross .
29 A boat returned me to the little coral landing-strip ; Friendly Islands Airways took me down to Tongatapu ; and within half a day I was settled in a small hotel in Auckland , waiting for the weekly Cathay Pacific jet home .
30 Well there used to be one on the corner of Street and Street that was , that was a pawnshop right opposite the churches facing it the church were on the one corner Street and used to be on the opposite corner , and Johnny was a member of the church choir as I was after I was ten years ol ten years old , I Mr he must have thought I could sing he sent me down to St Paul 's and I , I went to St Paul 's Church on the corner of Street and I did n't stay there long because it was I was still working part- time I was still a schoolboy but er I did sing in the choir at St Paul 's Church for a time , and then I went , I went back to St Mary 's and All Saints in Palfry as a choirboy and er we used to have choir practice once or twice a week , I know we had it Wednesday night , the choir master was Albert Edward he was a butcher , kept a butcher 's shop on the corner of and
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