Example sentences of "[pron] place in [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've been fortunate enough to work with the likes of Joe Mercer and Jack Charlton and I know my place in a football club .
2 Still a device was invented to cover up the disappearance of an old landmark ; and at the accession of Her present gracious Majesty , she was unlawfully proclaimed by a new title ‘ Head of the Commonwealth ’ , subsequently legalised by the Royal Titles Act 1953 , against which I am proud to recall that I protested in my place in the House of Commons .
3 This was all happening while I was walking through the bus station and taking my place in the queue ; and when I gained my seat I began looking in my bag for a piece of paper and a biro , and then , on the inside of a chocolate-bar wrapping I wrote what I must memorize and recite if I were to get the message over to the doctor — I , who even made heavy weather of describing a sore throat ; I , who after a period in the waiting-room could dry up so as to be virtually dumb .
4 As the last of the boys arrived I thought that maybe I could just make my way to the back of the queue , or sprint back to the changing room on one pretext or another and conveniently lose my place in the line .
5 From my place in the queue I watched through a chink between two lockers the ladder party assembling by the window .
6 He warned MacLachlan , who recorded : ‘ Just as I took my place in the circle I saw four more Messerschmitts coming down out of the sun .
7 I want to play in the first competition match and then make sure of my place in the NSW team .
8 I 'm ready to be productive and take my place in the techno world ! ’
9 When Caroline was home on holiday from her boarding school , my eyes used to light up when from my place in the choirstalls I saw her arrive at church .
10 ‘ Sorry , I must have lost my place in the script .
11 I lost my part yesterday and my place in the company .
12 Will you take my place in the family , my dear ?
13 As I took my place in the darkened centre stage for the opening of the first act , and the lights slowly came up , I saw a sight which I 've never seen before , a sight which chilled me to the marrow and froze me to the spot .
14 ‘ I am playing to keep my place in the side .
15 I took my place in the refectory at a separate table near the dais and watched the lady prioress sweep in .
16 ‘ I turned down a new contract at the end of the season , even though it meant getting a testimonial next year because I 've got to be playing in the Premier League to confirm my place in the Irish side .
17 Birthday Offering Precise and accurately placed enchaînements and éaulement give a clear definition to each step and pose as it takes its place in a perfectly balanced design .
18 Crime and Punishment takes its place in a perfectly obvious and open fashion among the international classics of naturalism ( or realism ) , and it is the first of his novels to do so : the earlier and great book The House of the Dead walks so close beside personal history as to rule itself out in this connection ; formally it is a freak , so I argued , a quasi-novel ; and as regards fact and fiction , since he is recounting not ‘ prophesying events ’ , Dostoevsky can not have found much in the Dead House to get excited about .
19 Less lovable was ‘ divinity calf ’ , which John Carter , with restrained distaste , called ‘ an unpleasant kind of smooth calf , usually of a colour between lavender and cocoa ’ ; but , with its bevelled boards and red edges , it should have its place in a collection .
20 The arguments for Britain holding its place in a growing , prosperous European economic community are unanswerable .
21 One of the trickiest problems with a faceted classification scheme has been notation , that is to say , the symbols ( e.g. decimal numbers ) which represent the subject and mechanize its place in a shelf or catalogue array .
22 Among the Kwakiutl , discussed above , all objects may be related through a style expressive of an orality in which humankind achieves significance by its place in a universal cycle of devouring and reproduction ( Walens 1981 ) .
23 His great vision was for a reformed English Church to take its place in an international General Council of the protestant countries .
24 In 1985 work on behalf of refugees took its place in the statute of Amnesty .
25 Dickie the Great Dane has been entrusted with the unusual task of demonstrating that safe sex has its place in the canine world .
26 A quick blast in the G40 is enough to confirm its place in the junior hot-hatch line up .
27 The money was as shadowily outlined as the permission , but , like the EFR agreement itself , it revealed the government 's unwillingness to relinquish once and for all its place in the search for inexhaustible energy .
28 He tells them to turn back , and return the ark to its place in the temple .
29 The new Shogun comfortably retains its place in the market , and bargain prices will continue to be hard to find .
30 Dill has been slow to win its place in the English kitchen .
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