Example sentences of "[pron] way [adv] over " in BNC.

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1 I think I 'd like to lick my way slowly over your luscious curves until I 've sampled all the honeyed temptations you keep hidden away .
2 What is special here is the relaxed way they are grown , not just as climbers trained up fences and trellis , but also as scramblers , making their way enthusiastically over shrubs and tumbling over heathers to provide an added season of interest .
3 He had not got out immediately , but sat and watched the broad Welshman and his wife pick their way carefully over the already frosted surface towards the club-house .
4 They picked their way carefully over the leads of numerous labradors , terriers and springers anchored with more or less acquiescence , to bits of their owners ' persons .
5 And when , five minutes later , they made their way cautiously over the humpy grass into the heart of the ruins there was no one and nothing to be seen .
6 If a cat performs some very strange action — finds its way home over a long distance , predicts an earthquake , or senses the return of its owners when they are some distance from the house — then it is a challenge for us to try and find out which particular sensory pathway was involved .
7 This feature encourages water that finds its way aboard over the weatherside to slip round behind the after coaming and exit over the lee quarter .
8 Isabel picked her way carefully over the rough bank , the cramped muscles in her legs protesting at the exercise , and took the reins .
9 Although the moon was riding high in the sky , and shedding a rather weird , eerie glow on the flowering shrubs and various trees edging the green lawn , she was surprised at how much more calm and at ease she felt in the soft , enveloping darkness as she picked her way carefully over the sand .
10 So she was surprised , and vaguely annoyed , to see Sandra Bamfield picking her way cautiously over the large rocks that had to be scaled to get to the privacy of this particular beach .
11 A day or two later , when Dustin was wending his way home over West 11th Street , he bumped into his neighbour Mel Brooks .
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