Example sentences of "[pron] may [verb] to do " in BNC.

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1 You are not obliged to tell anyone at school of your child 's HIV status , but you may choose to do so if you feel it is best for your child to have a trusted adult who knows the situation .
2 You may choose to do this for safety reasons , since if both copies are ruined simultaneously by a fire in the computer room , no amount of intelligent software can replace the material .
3 So make sure that you maintain a professional indemnity insurance policy for any work that you may intend to do !
4 Also , you may want to do future business so look after your trading goodwill .
5 Or you may want to do discussions sessions and and er try and content analyse or discourse analyse the discussions .
6 You may need to do some lateral thinking , as savings can not always be related to the size of the cheques you write out each month .
7 If he is not used to the concept you may need to do some initial explaining , but , once he understands your expectation , he may turn out far better than he imagined !
8 To give a counter-example : in a long line consisting of two-note groups , you may need to do the opposite and emphasise each second note .
9 And they 're going to have a good look and you may need to do all sorts of interesting things , okay .
10 You may need to do a complete revision of an existing pedagogical grammar , so that it may be of greater use for the language learning programmes of your colleagues .
11 Depending on the expert and the case you may need to do all or any of the following : summarise the facts of the case and the legal issues ; ask specific questions and indicate their legal significance ; ask whether any further evidence is likely to be available , so that this can be sought on discovery ; and whether any further enquiries , tests or reports are necessary .
12 You may try to do things beyond your ability and get hurt .
13 You may try to do this by defining or explaining racism in terms which are specific to these two instances , but which also count you out .
14 As I was helped in getting my eye in by visiting two important houses in Bath , you may wish to do the same .
15 Another point to bear in mind when you are taking a camcorder away with you on holiday is that you may wish to do check replays of your recordings on a colour set as you go along .
16 There are several reasons why you may wish to do this .
17 In such cases you may have to do little more than convince the farmer you can do the job — and do it well .
18 You may have to do something to help yourself . ’
19 Right , now you may have to do that on this next one
20 It depends , if you need them they 're involvement then you may have to do it a slightly different way or maybe it 's the case that they have to accept this or that you 're gon na turn them over too .
21 You may have to do it in longhand .
22 If you find yourself endlessly talking about your illness or your diet , as you may begin to do , make a big effort to occupy your mind with other things .
23 In some families , of course , where the mother is working all day outside the home , a willing and efficient granny in the kitchen , who loves cooking , can be a real advantage , and then you have to be very careful not to exploit her good nature and allow her to work too hard — which she may tend to do .
24 Friends may refrain from expressing any sympathy because they feel that it might be inappropriate and embarrassing for her , and she may be feeling that people will regard her as a hypocrite if she gives way and weeps , although she may need to do this for a variety of reasons , one of them being not so much for what she has lost , but for what she never had .
25 Though the demand is great , the danger is that we may want to do too much too quickly .
26 So we may want to do an , you know , an accurate revival .
27 Bless the members of the Mothers ' Union throughout the world unite us in prayer and worship , in love and service that , strengthened by your grace , we may seek to do your will through Jesus Christ our Lord .
28 ‘ Now if that means we have to postpone some of our social ambitions , then we may have to do so .
29 What we may have to do is actually balance the air conditioning 's needs up to suit the building , if you like , rather than individuals concerned , and then we 'll have to address the individuals concerns the same , in terms of moving the desk , or moving the person if they 're in a draft .
30 He frowned and said , ‘ You know , dear boy , I think we may have to do what they want . ’
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