Example sentences of "[pron] also [verb] [num] " in BNC.

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1 I also interviewed two healers .
2 I also got two fleshy herrings and a couple of smoked mackerel ( and a few tiny pieces of sole to put in the freezer as , sadly , John 's nephew and nice Irish girlfriend can not come to supper this weekend — they were IMMENSELY cheering and encouraging when here recently ) .
3 I also had four days to be nervous and by the time the big day arrived I was all nervoused out .
4 I also had two dollies , one made for me by our great family friend , Mrs Fawcett , the other stitched by my mother from an old piece of quilted petticoat .
5 I also had two 1Mb SIMMS which I fitted to test the viability of Dixon 's proposed upgrade .
6 I was at home then and er I also had two rooms in a private boarding house
7 And they said so at the er at the district council , went up to district and I asked for the support of the district council and er probably John immediately said , you have the full support of the district council for it he says and I 'll ensure that you get support with the result I also received four posters direct from the Edinburgh District Council with John photograph on it and with the caption st stating every old age pensioner should be signing here .
8 I also welcome two more amendments which have also been put down by my Noble Friend , Lord and of course are down for discussion now .
9 I also did one or two of those hijackings over Nevada — but that would n't have interested you .
10 Mr Crosby said : ‘ I also have 10 important League matches left and have said all along that if we do n't win these as well I can not expect to be given the job here . ’
11 She has been covered by the dual-Gold Cup winner Gildoran and I also have two half-brothers to Party Politics — Christmas Gorse , who is in training with Nick [ Gaselee ] , and a two-year-old by Neltino . ’
12 In my collection I also have two outward halves from Craven Arms to Bishop 's Castle , No. 6410 , dated 20th August 1934 , and No. 6417 , dated 4th January 1935 , both are ‘ Parly ’ with no rate quoted .
13 But I also have one of the largest training regiments in my constituency , and I see that unit erm in action a couple of times a year if if no more .
14 I also gave one feed of brineshrimp nauplii ( 0.5 ml of brineshrimp eggs hatched in 0.5 litres of water containing two 5 ml spoons of salt .
15 Could I also say one thing finally , and that is the fact that we 've tried to run together the alteration and the greenbelt local plan as concurrently er as possible , er it would appear that the timing erm is coming together reasonably satisfactorily erm in that we hope that the report from the greenbelt local plan enquiry , is not to er far distant , erm and we would expect , sir , that you will be reporting on the proceedings at this examination in public er in the not to distant future , well I think I did give an undertaking at the greenbelt local plan enquiry that the County Council , because the two are er interrelated to a degree , that I would expect the County Council would not wish to pursue either report er until er the other er is available , and that seems to the County Council to be entirely sensible , that the two reports , the structure plan alteration and the greenbelt local plan enquiry , erm should be looked at together .
16 I also used one of your photos of the Pembrokeshire coast in our new recruitment leaflet , for which I have added a further £25 .
17 Fine china and investment banking inevitably er , er er er er suffered from the economic conditions so did entertainment er , which also brought two extra burdens er , firstly the er marked reduction in tourism and , er , for the first time , a three and a half million pound er , bill for Alton Towers ' loss-making winter quarter which I think we , we 've flagged er , quite consistently .
18 Rangers offered a glimpse of last season 's form as they overcame Aberdeen in an action replay of the 1992 League Cup final , which also finished 2-1 after extra time .
19 The players and officials enjoyed a cold buffet lunch in a marquee which also took two hours but included a number of speeches and a Loyal Toast .
20 Other fashion houses , which also lose millions staging haute couture fashion shows , say these create an image that helps sell other profitable products .
21 As the front curtain rose , the entire stage was blacked out by drapes which also concealed twelve doors at regular intervals .
22 Yet more decisively , it is not all of the general property , including that part or whatever that is involved in the soup tureen , which also weighs two pounds , that is flattening the napkin .
23 Santa Clara , California-based Software Publishing Corp has been hit by a shareholder class action lawsuit alleging securities violations between January 21 1993 and April 2 1993 , which also names two of the company 's officers as defendants : the company says the suit has no merit and will fight it vigorously .
24 In that band , which also had eight members , there were probably three oboes on the top line , three bassoons on the bottom , one haute-contre and one taille .
25 ‘ Uncle Elias went immediately to the secret room and took out a box which also had three Ks on it .
26 Kurdish detainees at Harmondsworth were released after last week 's fire , which also left one man seriously injured .
27 He even figured as a forward ( in a frontal trio which also included one Bill McLaren ) in the Hawick seven which won their own tourney in 1948 .
28 They were two of five Winchester Club players in the nine-member Alton College squad , which also included five county players , and Cathy MacCormack who plays for the South of England under-18 team .
29 Seghbatullah Mujjaddedi , secretary-general of the moderate Jebha-i-Nejat-i-Melli Afghanistan group , was elected as leader of the IJC , which also included 30 mujaheddin field commanders , 10 clergymen and 10 intellectuals .
30 West Belfast 's Job Training Programme is managed by Worknet , an agency which also runs four Job Clubs , an enterprise training programme called Your Business Opportunity , and most recently the community employment agency .
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