Example sentences of "[pron] just [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 I 'm gon na read from verse thirty five , just the paragraph there , the last paragraph in that chapter it says on that day when evening had come Jesus said to them let us go over to the other side and leaving the multitude they took him along with them just as he was in the boat and other boats were with them .
2 He gave them to me just before he died , and asked — ’
3 purifying himself just as he is pure .
4 Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as he is pure , That 's that 's Colin goes on to say , because you shall be like him does not mean that you are to care little about how much of him can be seen in your life .
5 No doubt the table saw him , computed his path across the room , and placed itself just where he would trip over it !
6 It was n't fair that your grandmother left her fortune to him instead of sharing it with you just because he 's a man and she had an old-fashioned prejudice that women should n't own money .
7 Capirossi realises the pressures of success could so easily damage his plans to retain the 125 crown , and so he 's all the more determined to do everything just as he did in 1990 .
8 Only married him just before he died , that I do mind .
9 ‘ Although only heaven or more probably hell knows why I must , ’ he murmured unevenly , apparently as an addendum to the words that had been dragged from him just before he kissed her .
10 Its completely out of character for Rocky to have said this … probably some 3rd rate hack cornered him just after he 'd learnt hed been dropped .
11 I was happy with him just as he was , without affectation .
12 Something for the weekend , sir , she said , stopping him just as he was about to leave with another young man — you see she 'd noticed that they had n't talked before going off together , they 'd just started kissing and were going to drag each other home without discussing anything , and they were young , really young , eighteen .
13 Something happened which always pleased him : his wife opened the front door to him just as he was about to put his key in the lock .
14 He knew she was getting at him — imagine a man like Marc Vila admitting to being foolish ever ! — but if she kept calm like this she could undermine him just as he had tried to undermine her .
15 No company would permit an unqualified accountant to audit its books , no matter how well he presents himself , and no patient would allow a doctor without qualifications to operate on him just because he has plenty of ‘ implied ’ ability .
16 Those who do love Frank ( and they are legion ) love him just because he is humiliated and embarrassed : they love him because he is vulnerable . ’
17 Yes , Arnold Thomas had done a bad thing in deserting him just when he needed him most , and he had been a rogue of the worst kind to have stolen money into the bargain ; but if he could only find his son , he would tell him that all was forgiven , and that he wanted him here , in his rightful place , at the helm of his father 's business .
18 going back to him just cos he 's got money , if she does n't love him any more and she ca n't live with him because of the relationship .
19 No , taking it just from him just cos he 's an old sod come too often .
20 ‘ Alex Household must have said it just before he shot the gun ; Micky heard it over the deaf-aid and just repeated it . ’
21 Gasping with desperate exertion , she got the canoe into the water , and leapt into it just as he seemed to realise what she was doing .
22 He memorized pages of it just because he loved it and often recited his favourite bits to himself on those inevitable odd moments of waiting about in queues and so on .
23 Now if your lad could tell us just where he was , while he was supposed to be at Longner , and better still , bring us a witness to confirm it , that would go far to get him out of the mire . ’
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