Example sentences of "[pron] did [not/n't] know " in BNC.

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1 I did not know what to do with it , why I was there .
2 I did not know it was possible for foie gras to be tasteless , but the complete omission of seasoning certainly showed I was wrong .
3 I said I did not know — I did n't know what I was letting myself in for .
4 Bees — the bumble and the honey — and butterflies — red admirals and small , delicate blue ones whose name I did not know — tilted at each other in the warm summer air .
5 ‘ But in May 1945 I did not know that they would be killed and I did not know until Count Tolstoy drew it to my attention in 1979 , 1980 and 1985 .
6 ‘ But in May 1945 I did not know that they would be killed and I did not know until Count Tolstoy drew it to my attention in 1979 , 1980 and 1985 .
7 I did not know what ‘ cinema ’ was , it was one of those wonderful and unimaginable pleasures like La Semaine de Suzette and its doll Bleuette , which the war had taken away .
8 I dined four times at various places and went to a drunk party at Worcester in someone 's rooms I did not know .
9 There is a purpose in living now , a sense of good in living which I did not know before .
10 He assured Helen , ‘ I did not know I loved you so tenderly until this trial , sweetheart ’ .
11 One of his poems had been published , he said , in The New Yorker by Howard Moss , the Poetry Editor , who — though I did not know it until Dana told me later — was a well-known homosexual .
12 I did not know what to say in reply , so I took his hands and held them beside my own , showing first the backs , then the palms , then measuring them one against the other , palm to palm — something the Japanese would often do in comparing their smaller , lighter hands with my grosser ones .
13 I did not know what it could be , but I tried to reassure her and went up the road to where the policeman lived .
14 No wonder he woke overcome with awe : ‘ Surely the Lord is in this place ; and I did not know it … how awesome is this place !
15 ‘ Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said , ‘ Surely the Lord is in this place ; and I did not know it ’ ( 28.16 ) .
16 There had been long periods when I could only enter you and come in you by secretly pretending to myself that I did not know you , that you were a tart I had picked up in a bar — or on the street corner .
17 You have had a long life of service and time to look back on it and if I did not know how your arthritis troubles you and with what difficulty you pen your kind notes I would ask you to help me in this .
18 I did not know what to do next .
19 I did not know who to believe .
20 There were many others , not mathematicians or academic linguists , whose function I did not know ( and not all of whom I met in what was by then a large organisation ) , who became celebrated in later life .
21 I did not know Salisbury well enough — Wendy did not know it at all — to grope my way to an hotel ( and , anyhow , we feared we had not enough money for a bed ) .
22 I did not know what to do with the child . ’
23 Obviously , as a young woman , with only enthusiasm and few resources , I did not know that the Blackwomen 's Creativity Project would be creating history by staging exhibitions and events .
24 What I did not know was that English soccer was televised in Algeria .
25 It was my view that float fishing would not be a good idea anyhow , for I did not know of any big bream swims close enough to the bank for a float cast .
26 Although I did not know it , my encounter with Gladstone Murray and Ernie Bushnell in February was beginning to bear fruit , and my days as newspaperman cum radio programme director were numbered .
27 Perhaps they wish to share their grief , but if I did not know Uncle Ted , then it becomes less easy to sympathise .
28 I did not know what had happened to her after she left me .
29 I did not know if we had a ‘ D. ’
30 Well , I did not know wherr to look , shoutin' it out just like that .
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