Example sentences of "[adv] [been] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And it was funny how he had looked at them all , during that funeral , and thought about them afterwards , but they had all been just strangers , not people he was ever likely to meet , or even see again .
2 It is an observable fact that the greatest drivers I have known have all been highly safety conscious : a sign that their minds ruled their instincts .
3 The two other new jobs went to people who could hardly be described as outsiders , even though they had not been either Founders or members of the Executive Committee .
4 Dr Kallman of the Osborn Laboratory in New York felt this was probably an unwarranted addition to the list as its range had not been fully studies .
5 When Jack was given the accolade of Best Actor by the New York Critics ' Award for his performance , he responded by sending them all a polite thank-you letter ; those critics who had mentioned him in the past had not been especially kind .
6 No penal system has ever been entirely retributivist , or entirely reductivist , or thoroughly Beccarian .
7 In this " process of corporate bias " , what had once been merely interest groups crossed the political threshold and became part of the extended state .
8 The weather has also been reasonably kind , so it 's a bit of both really — with the sun on my back it definitely helps me to perform a lot better . ’
9 ‘ I have n't been up top for some time , ’ he said .
10 When , when I see he come back I thought never , he ai n't been up Kingswood already , but you have n't been up Kingswood .
11 When , when I see he come back I thought never , he ai n't been up Kingswood already , but you have n't been up Kingswood .
12 I never went out Sunday , I have n't been out Tuesday I just thought you know good still find the money for it still it 's amazing how you do
13 You have n't been down drains or anything like that of late ?
14 On 3 July the men of Huntingdonshire had made a perambulation in their county , which had until then been entirely forest , a perambulation which was declared to be ‘ in accordance with the Charter of the Forest ’ .
15 It was the longest journey she had ever made in her life , and she had never been farther north than Harringay Arena .
16 Negotiable instruments , however , have never been only trade-related .
17 I was neither aspiring poet nor actor and had never been further east than Brooklyn .
18 This session is actually been suitably video taped , to see how well you can follow fairly simple verbal instructions .
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