Example sentences of "[adv] [been] use for " in BNC.

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1 Since the Second World War , this has only been used for storage .
2 A superb SWAN which has only been used for private cruising in the Med .
3 ABOVE The preparation of land for forestry can destroy even well-preserved archaeological sites , particularly on land which has only been used for pasture .
4 In commerce the designation ivory has sometimes been extended to nuts of the Phytelephas palm of South America , but this has only been used for making things like buttons , draughtsmen and netsuke .
5 In the big front room the flags were as good as new — no wear at all — and Hannah told me it had only been used for funerals and pig-killings .
6 The Liverpool Street dungeon was known , incongruously , as the gymnasium , presumably in memory of its intended purpose , though it had long been used for general storage .
7 Electronic systems have long been used for data , but as increasing volumes of information and records are also created and stored electronically issues are raised about the management of this information .
8 Electronic systems have long been used for data , but as increasing volumes of information and records are also created and stored electronically issues are raised about the management of this information .
9 A similar undated sequence was recorded in Green Cutting to the east , where the courtyard had obviously been used for industrial activities prior to the demise of the associated building .
10 Microprocessors have not been used for this work up to now and the first-ever system for a PWR is currently being installed by the French at their new power station at Paluel .
11 Do n't be discouraged by this , as it is a good sign that you have stretched muscles that have not been used for some time .
12 Dust layered the bottom of the chamber pot ; it had not been used for a long time and was probably meant for show .
13 It was covered with climbing plants , and clearly had not been used for years .
14 Therefore my own chapel which has not been used for two generations but for a lumber room , because our family seldom resided here long together , shall be cleared and cleaned and got ready for the ceremony .
15 At what I called the Winter Marsh inlet , though it was not called anything on the map , there was a wooden quay in what struck me as remarkably good condition for a structure that presumably had not been used for several years .
16 Numbers 420 and 427 have not been used for quite some time and will be sold by the MOD as surplus to requirements , perhaps to be purchased by some preserved railway ?
17 Meadowbank , which has not been used for a concert since 1989 , will host the return of the Prince of Pop and his band , the New Power Generation , who last year sold out Glasgow 's Celtic Park .
18 Mogadishu airport had not been used for relief supplies since June 1 , when food aid had been stolen at gunpoint .
19 Mrs Robson had contacted the Echo a few weeks ago to say that her brother 's cast-iron bath was 40 years old and had not been used for 12 years .
20 Mrs Robson had contacted the Echo a few weeks ago to say that her brother 's cast-iron bath was 40 years old and had not been used for 12 years .
21 The money has not been used for that purpose .
22 If a patent were to be granted to the second business , it could prevent the first from using what it has already been using for some time .
23 If by any chance the cassette has already been used for recording on another machine ( for example , on a VHS mains VCR ) , remember to check that the cassette 's safety-tab is still in place , otherwise , you may be baffled by your camcorder 's refusal to do any recording !
24 We were told , because of the shortage of paper , we were told only to use secondhand papers er paper that had already been used for letters or memos when writing to the Clerks ' Department and erm we erm used to get the grubbiest paper that we could and then you had to condense it and type it erm without too much space and erm that went over to the Clerks ' Department , then erm when it got over th oh sorry you had to trim off the edges erm so that there was no spare paper left around the memo so that er you know there was just this little bit of paper with the
25 These factors may account for the fact that the blackboard metaphor has not usually been used for anaphor resolvers , whose control structures are very often relatively simple , with different knowledge sources brought to bear in something like a predetermined order .
26 Nato has also been used for the neck and fingerboard and while the overall appearance of the SW213 wo n't compete with more expensive instruments it 's quite good enough for a 100 quid guitar .
27 Cells in North Yorkshire have also been used for the operation and there are currently 28 prisoners locked up in the region 's jails .
28 The hot-tasting fleshy roots have probably been used for at least 3,000 years as a food flavouring and , although it is native to eastern Europe , it grows wild in northern Europe including Britain , and North America .
29 It had traditionally been used for stores and dressing .
30 I completed another tour of the mill and cottage , this time with Nigel in tow , trying to sound as objective as I could , as if I , too , saw mere possibilities , but as our tour progressed I could see that Nigel had warmed to it almost as much as I. He pointed out some ‘ interesting features ’ that I had missed , such as some of the wooden working parts of the mill machinery set high in the plastered walls , and told me what they had originally been used for .
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