Example sentences of "[adv] [indef pn] have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 What was it like climbing somewhere no-one had ever explored before ?
2 There is every reason to suppose that changes such as those in Fig. 24.4 are intrinsic to the dynamics , not something that could be eliminated if only one had better control of the apparatus .
3 She told Chola she 'd heard from someone in Pere that the bull was ill , and she knew she 'd be able to cure it : she 'd treated hundreds in her time and only one had ever died .
4 * Palfrey 's full name is Horatio Benedict de Palfrey , but , as he explains earlier , ‘ you may forget the first two ( names ) immediately , and somehow nobody has ever remembered the ‘ de ’ at all . ’
5 Not one has ever fallen victim to a gangland-style hit after coming forward with solid information .
6 And then at the end of the day not everybody has even friends or neighbours that they 'd want to impose on ?
7 From what we hear , not everybody has entirely grasped the principle of the Prime Minister 's reform .
8 When I went to Bible college at the age of eighteen , hardly anybody had ever heard of my religious home .
9 From Finland to Hong Kong — where also no-one had even heard of Charlene Mitchell — Kylie became a sensation .
10 It took so long , they said , because Motabeng was a village of relatives who married relatives , and nearly everyone had about six hundred relatives .
11 Apart from , Amiss none had really successful Test careers , although all except Turnbull eventually scored Test centuries .
12 Maybe someone has already been lined up , though the post has been advertised .
13 As we shall see , to understand British politics fully one has also to go beyond that framework .
14 If it is argued that a man has a moral duty to obey the law and that to break the law of the land is a violation of one 's duty to one 's country , then one has only to point to instances of government policy where it would clearly be immoral to obey the law of the land .
15 If insufficient attention has been devoted to the design of this and also the related access procedures the symptoms are a plethora of documentation which no individual entirely understands , the temptation to do it again rather than waste time finding out how something has already been done and too much reliance on the human memory .
16 However no-one had ever heard of dancing in Church , except in Seville in Spain , so we had to stick to choral and solo singing .
17 It seemed odd , anyway , to be holding a kind of celebratory dinner , the original highspot of the weekend , when someone had just been killed in the very kitchen where the preparations were taking place .
18 Secondary infringement is when someone has knowingly dealt with illegal copies of your work from another source .
19 A villager who had played in the open fields as a boy , or watched the sheep in the common pastures , would have lived to see the modern landscape of his parish completed and matured , the roads all made , the hedgerow trees full grown , and new farmhouses built out in the fields where none had ever been before .
20 Yet one has only to think ( for example ) about giving up a car , to see how significant the effects on an old person may be , in terms of contact with their relatives and services offered .
21 But , for example , among other things I have heard one of his ‘ colleagues ’ say that there is no special trick to bringing off good performances when one has so many rehearsals .
22 At exactly the juncture where one has probably completed the historic destiny of most humans — to wit , to have worked and to have raised a family — and one is contemplating , we hope , a constructive future , the door swings tightly shut .
23 Any questions or anything else anybody has ever done we want to use the calendar for ?
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