Example sentences of "[adv] [Wh det] was [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This being said , and allowing for the fact that much which was viewed as sexually deviant a generation ago is now viewed tolerantly if not taken for granted , a few words may be said about some practices or groups of practices which are generally recognised as deviant from either the normal object , the normal aim or the normal focal issues of sexuality .
2 He cited " personal reasons " for his decision to stand down which was to take effect following the selection of his successor at a special party convention , expected in November .
3 This can hardly be to deny the emperor 's gift but is certainly the action of a realist , to whom arguments from later , and perhaps what was seen to be better , evidence , are important .
4 Perhaps what was wanting was only physical refinement .
5 This made for a softer , more innocent and ingenuous ‘ Dora ’ , but perhaps what was needed was a slightly sharper , more bristly Dora with a hidden vulnerability , which came more naturally when I gave her a North London accent …
6 The job done , we repaired to the kitchen door to see literally what was cooking and to take the printed menus from Angus to put on the tables .
7 This ushered in what was to become known in Germany as the Leben-Jesu Forschung ( ‘ Life of Jesus research ’ ) and in English as ‘ the quest of the historical Jesus ’ .
8 But Lily knew well enough what was wanted for her .
9 It is clear enough what was happening : a girl was paid more than a boy on entering the trade and continued to earn more until both were approaching 20 years old , when the male rate drew ahead and suddenly leapfrogged to become double that of the female rate .
10 They knew well enough what was happening .
11 He still had difficulties focusing , but could tell clearly enough what was happening in front of him .
12 Oakridge is generally associated with an episode in the mid-19th century when local men burnt down what was intended to become Stroud 's new isolation hospital .
13 Okay and you sorted this out very nicely what was going to happen and what you 'd have left over .
14 Frankie 's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he clapped eyes on the room and its contents , especially what was laid out on the table .
15 So what was stopping him from going to her and telling her that she had no need to worry ?
16 So what was said under the previous heading needs to be counter-balanced .
17 In 1963 there had been 10.5 million vehicles , so what was involved was a doubling within 10 years and nearly a trebling within 20 years .
18 So what was involved ?
19 Other people were coming up with answers , so what was going on ?
20 So what was going on in the way of entertainments and things like that when you came to ?
21 The participants were willing and the setting was ideal ; they 'd been close to it often enough , so what was happening now ?
22 So what was happening here you were saving half of it .
23 Families had no freezers and very few had fridges , so what was bought had to be consumed almost immediately .
24 Only what was uttered mattered .
25 It now lodged not only what was left of the Headleand family , but also the private part of Liz 's practice , and the practices of two of her colleagues : a shared secretary had taken over what had once been the au pair girl 's flat .
26 But Jannie and Bob and old Harry Stearns and Bill Waddy and Gareth Holmroyd saw only what was put before them , which was in fact all that counted .
27 At Spaunton the regular two-row village had originated by the thirteenth century , replacing a hamlet 450 metres ( 490 yards ) away which was remembered in the field names ‘ old field ’ and ‘ tofts ’ .
28 Because the two subjects were approached separately what was going to be one piece became almost like two stories .
29 This in fact repeats more generally what was stated with regard to environmental competence by Article 130R(4) of the EEC Treaty , inserted by the Single European Act , under which ‘ the Community shall take action relating to the environment to the extent to which the objectives … can be attained better at Community level than at the level of the individual Member States ’ , a provision which does not yet appear to have been the object of scrutiny by the European Court of Justice .
30 Nobody had , I 'd done it myself , you see and I did n't want to know and er I did n't want anybody to know you see but er , he was marvellous I know and I know there was something else tiny came away it 'd only be about six or eight weeks but it was , I think anyway what was lost was found and I was in hospital for about fourteen days .
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