Example sentences of "[adv] [that] he know " in BNC.

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1 And she drew his hand closer and laid her cheek on it , so that he knew she , too , was thinking of Bruges , when she had allowed him that right , and of Ghent , and of a place by a waterfall .
2 The driver was from the Colonel 's staff , and he had travelled ahead a full month before so that he knew the city , the back-doubles they might need and the side streets .
3 Mr Reynolds was also given information about the operation and what would happen to him afterwards so that he knew what to expect .
4 And then his mind cleared , and he was looking at the Robemaker and feeling contempt for him again , feeling as well , the dangerous , powerful white spears of the Stroicim Inchinn withdraw , so that he knew the Robemaker had again called up the Stroicim without giving any outward indication of having done so .
5 It felt as if he could see right inside her head so that he knew beyond doubt the minutest detail of her response .
6 Christopher Patten , who was then in charge of the Research Department , but is now in total control of the Party machine , will find it difficult to re-establish the library and its heritage , even supposing that the catalogues have been kept so that he knows what has been lost .
7 He had hinted as much more than once , just vaguely , just enough to entice me so that I want to ask what , so that he knows that I want to ask .
8 I just wanted to actually sort of mention it to so that he knows cos he 's obviously invited to come if he wants
9 Not that he knew much about him — English , of course , related to an old friend who used to serve in the Royal Navy and had asked Sanders to accommodate his young kinsman for a week or two as a favour .
10 Alain had walked all over her excuses and her call to Glyn had left her quite at Alain 's mercy — not that he knew it .
11 Starkey said yesterday that he knew nothing of the move and as far as he was concerned he was still on Cacoethes .
12 If what Gerald said in his address to Congress yesterday that he knows of no Labour MP who wants to break the links between the Party and the unions were absolutely true then there would be no need for this debate today .
13 She could tell at once that he knew who her caller had been and , from his expression , that his intelligence was working overtime as to why the head of the Massingham empire should ring her personally .
14 It was his way of saying at once that he knew the worst of what was to come , and had only the details to learn .
15 But he had her between a rock and a hard place , and the look in his eyes told her only too clearly that he knew it .
16 When asked what they got up to , he had muttered darkly that he knew a thing or two about Muslims and ordered drinks all round .
17 But all that seemed almost like a simple happy life , now that he knew the real questions .
18 Now that he knew , Tammuz looked more like Ewan to Quincx with every moment , which was oddly disturbing .
19 The prime purpose of John 's nasal operation was remedial , now that he knew he wanted to make his career in ballet .
20 Now that he knew what had to be done , it was remarkable how different he felt .
21 Hennessy moved in closer now that he knew that he was n't placing communication at risk .
22 Now that he knew where he was the details of the room became familiar , and he knew at once what had wakened him , and strained his ears to hear it again .
23 His courage had returned now that he knew the tiger was only proposing to gobble up his oxen , not him .
24 Now that Luke had her , now that he knew she was incapable of resisting him , there was no longer any need for him to be seen with her .
25 Now that he knows it 's himself he ca n't help noticing the slightly ridiculous and embarrassing qualities — the way the young man frowns importantly as he talks about his job , and waves his arms about when he gets stuck for words ; and the way he smiles insincerely at Howard from time to time , and looks straight into his eyes in an effort to demonstrate that he is interested in Howard as well as himself .
26 Mitch can not marry her now that he knows that she is not ‘ clean ’ .
27 ‘ I know your opinion of me is less than nothing , but do you truly think your cousin would continue to be my — er — lover , now that he knows I 'm engaged to you ? ’
28 In academic terms he sensed the changes in the wind so well that he knew exactly when to stop dropping the name Marcuse and start dropping the name Goldmann , when to switch from expressing genuine enthusiasm for Black Studies to expressing genuine enthusiasm for women 's literature .
29 Cos I used this look , I said that erm I 'd re I had represented his father in an accident case some years before and I was acquainted with the family in a casual way , and I said this may suggest , because he was saying you can make up and you can , this is a bit when you can use your imagination , and I said this may suggest that his father , you know he 'd like , because it the way he says that , I 'd represented his father , I was acquainted , you know maybe that he knows he 's used to that kind of erm behaviour from the family , you know , and he knows what Eddie 's like his fa I do n't know I might be completely wrong but I used my imagination there .
30 The Profitboss profits from the facts , convincing his customers , suppliers , colleagues and team alike that he knows what he 's talking about , that his conclusions and recommendations are based on solid evidence rather than unsubstantiated opinion .
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